Trump Calls For Release of Mar-a-Lago Search Warrant And Evidence, As Gov’t Leak Campaign Starts

At his press conference yesterday, Attorney General Merrick Garland announced that the government had filed a motion to unseal the Search Warrant and inventory of items seized. The motion does not appear to include the underlying affidavits to support the warrant, though that’s unclear, it depends on what the scope of releasing the “warrant” includes.

Otherwise, no information was provided other than that Garland himself approved the decision to obtain a search warrant. (It remains unclear how much involvement Garland had in the way the raid was carried out.)

The mainstream media was ecstatic — Garland called Trump’s bluff! was a frequent headline.

At midnight last night Trump called Garland’s bluff, and called for the release of the warrant and all evidence:

“Not only will I not oppose the release of documents related to the unAmerican, unwarranted, and unnecessary raid and break-in of my home in Palm Beach, Florida, Mar-a-Lago, I am going a step further by ENCOURAGING the immediate release of those documents even though they have been drawn up by radical left Democrats and possible future political opponents, who have a strong and powerful vested interest in attacking me, much as they have done for the last 6 years.”* * *”My poll numbers are the strongest they have ever been, fundraising by the Republican Party is breaking all records, and midterm elections are fast approaching. This unprecedented political weaponization of law enforcement is inappropriate and highly unethical. The world is watching as our Country is being brought to a new low, not only on our border, crime, economy, energy, national security, and so much more, but also with respect to our sacred elections!”

As with Garland, it’s unclear if Trump is calling for release of the supporting affidavits, though the language suggests he is.

As of this writing, there are no new filings on the court’s electronic docket.

Last night the leak war against Trump went into high gear. The Washington Post reported based on anonymous sources, that FBI searched Trump’s home to look for nuclear documents and other items, sources say:

Classified documents relating to nuclear weapons were among the items FBI agents sought in a search of former president Donald Trump’s Florida residence on Monday, according to people familiar with the investigation.

But there are no specifics, it’s all very vague and suspicious:

The people who described some of the material that agents were seeking spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation. They did not offer additional details about what type of information the agents were seeking, including whether it involved weapons belonging to the United States or some other nation. Nor did they say if such documents were recovered as part of the search.

Yet it has created a feeding frenzy.

In my prior post I warned that such leaks would come:

Be very suspicious of anything you hear in the media attributable to anonymous sources. The supposed leaks from unidentified persons supposedly with knowledge are either FBI/DOJ whispering in the ear of reporter-scribes which may or may not reflect reality, or people who don’t have actual knowledge, or sources who exist only in the imagination of the reporters. It’s all an unreliable web of deception.

Trump denies the nuclear story:

We have been here before with leak wars on Trump. For the entirety of his 2016 campaign through 2020, there were almost daily “bombshells” about supposed Russia collusion that created 24-48 hr news and social media frenzies, inevitably to fade as facts proved the allegations wrong or distorted. Yet we went through this endless news frenzy cycle based of fake leaks from the government, and now we’re back at it.

The problem is that these current accusations are unverifiable and non-disprovable – so they are worthless until actual evidence comes out. Yet it creates the narrative Democrats and Never-Trump Republicans want.

Perhaps we will learn more today about the facts.

Tags: DOJ, FBI, Mar-a-Lago Raid 2022, Media Bias, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Washington Post