Remember How They Suppressed Hunter’s Laptop Story? Twitter Announces Midterms Crackdown On “Misleading” Election Claims

Like most other popular social media sites, the Powers That Be at Twitter possess grossly inflated opinions of themselves, especially as it relates to what they feel is their supposed “duty” to keep their platform as free from so-called “disinformation” as they possibly can, most notably in election years.

“Twitter plays a critical role in empowering democratic conversations, facilitating meaningful political debate, and providing information on civic participation – not only in the US, but around the world. People deserve to trust the election conversations and content they encounter on Twitter,” the company proclaimed Thursday.

In reality, what they’re doing behind the scenes when they think no one is paying attention is acting as information gatekeepers for Democrats by way of penalizing conservative accounts for WrongThink and for daring to publish or promote unflattering stories and/or asking uncomfortable questions about candidates for higher office along with other high-profile public figures who have the potential to influence public policy.

One of the more notorious examples of this tactic in action was in their deliberate suppression of the New York Post’s blockbuster Hunter Biden laptop emails story in October 2020, just a few weeks out from the presidential election. Not only did they lock down the Post’s main Twitter account for about two weeks, but they also suppressed the story when other Twitter users attempted to share it, something Facebook admitted to doing as well.

Here we are nearly two years later, and Twitter has officially announced yet again in so many words that they are answering Joe Biden’s “special appeal” from January and are, in a nutshell, getting ready to start trying to stack the deck against Republicans ahead of the 2022 midterm elections:

What does it mean? They explained in a follow-up tweet:

Hmm. Oh really? Well, if that’s the case, here are a few accounts they can go ahead and get started on:

They should monitor Joe Biden’s, too:

And Hillary Clinton’s:

And Stacey Abrams’:

And Terry McAuliffe:

And every single other Democrat denying election results in this 10-minute video:

I could go on and on, but I think the point has been made.

If Twitter truly were interested in preventing the deliberate spread of information from undermining our elections, their “enforcement” wouldn’t be so one-sided. But it is because Twitter – just like Facebook – is run by woke leftists who do things ostensibly in the interests of the “greater good” (a.k.a. electing Democrats) takes precedence over doing the right thing, which involves letting all sides try to make their case and then letting the chips fall where they may come election time.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

Tags: 2022 Elections, Big Tech, Democrats, Social Media, Twitter