Chinese Military Rehearses Invasion of Taiwan, Island Officials Say

Days after U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan, the Chinese military is rehearsing the invasion of Taiwan, the Taiwanese defense ministry claimed Saturday.

“Taiwan has accused the Chinese army of simulating an attack on its main island,” UK newspaper The Guardian reported. “Beijing on Saturday continued some of its largest-ever military drills around Taiwan – exercises seen as practice for a blockade and ultimate invasion of the island,” the daily noted.

Since Pelosi’s flew out of the country after a brief surprise trip on Wednesday, the Chinese battleships and warplanes have surrounded Taiwan and are holding live-fire drills at six difference areas around the island.

“China’s biggest-ever military drills around Taiwan have been taking place for a second day near the island,” the BBC reported Saturday. “Several Chinese vessels and aircraft have crossed the median line for a second day, Taiwan’s defence ministry says – this is the informal dividing line in the Taiwan Strait between the Chinese mainland and Taiwan,” the broadcaster added.

In recent days, the Chinese navy and air force have repeatedly carried out provocative maneuvers, breaching island’s maritime and air defense zones.

PLA Warplanes Violate Taiwan’s Air Defense Zone

On Saturday, the Taiwanese air force responded to a major incursion by Chinese warplanes. The Reuters reported:

Taiwan’s air force scrambled on Friday to warn away 18 Chinese aircraft that entered its air defence zone, Taiwan’s defence ministry said, part of what is a regular pattern of incursions that has angered the government in Taipei. (…)The number of aircraft involved was well off the last large-scale incursion, 39 Chinese aircraft on Jan. 23, and since then, such fly-bys have been with far fewer aircraft.The ministry said the latest mission included six Chinese J-11 and six J-16 fighters as well as two H-6 bombers. (…)The bombers, accompanied by a Y-8 anti-submarine aircraft, flew to the south of Taiwan through the Bashi Channel which separates the island from the Philippines.

China Halts Military, Climate Talks With Biden Admin

In response to Pelosi’s Taiwan trip, China has suspended dialogue with the U.S. on issues ranging from military to Climate Change.

President Joe Biden’s Climate Czar John Kerry is apparently devastated by China’s decision to halt bilateral climate talks. By walking out of the bilateral climate dialogue, China is not only hurts the U.S., it “punishes the world,” Kerry lamented. “No country should withhold progress on existential transnational issues because of bilateral differences,” he pleaded.

The NPR report Beijing’s decision to suspend talks with the Biden administration in key areas:

China declared Friday it was stopping all dialogue with the United States on major issues, from climate change to military relations, in a day of rapidly escalating tensions over House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan. The White House summoned China’s ambassador to protest what it called China’s “irresponsible” actions since the visit.

Sky News UK: ‘Taiwan surrounded as Chinese live-fire military drills take place’

Tags: Biden China, China, Military, Nancy Pelosi, Taiwan