Red States Have Recovered Faster After COVID Pandemic Than Blue States

It’s so weird how leftists want big and bloated government and yet…they escape their leftist heaven and move to red states. The red states are the exact opposite of their belief system.

The COVID pandemic once again proved the left is full of hypocrites when it comes to them not minding paying more in taxes for the common good. They all moved to red states!

California, Illinois, and New York have lost the most people. Florida, North Carolina, and Texas have gained the most people.

Weird, huh?

From The Wall Street Journal:

Since February 2020, the month before the pandemic began, the share of all U.S. jobs located in red states has grown by more than half a percentage point, according to an analysis of Labor Department data by the Brookings Institution think tank. Red states have added 341,000 jobs over that time, while blue states were still short 1.3 million jobs as of May.Several major companies have recently announced moves of their headquarters from blue to red states. Hedge-fund company Citadel said recently it would move its headquarters from Chicago to Miami, and Caterpillar Inc. plans to move from Illinois to Texas.

Moody’s Analytics looked at 13 metrics, which included “the value of goods and services produced, employment, retail sales and new-home listings:”

Behind those differences is mass migration. Forty-six million people moved to a different ZIP Code in the year through February 2022, the most in any 12-month period in records going back to 2010, according to a Moody’s analysis of Equifax Inc. consumer-credit reports. The states that gained the most, led by Florida, Texas and North Carolina, are almost all red, as defined by the Cook Political Report based on how states voted in the past two presidential elections. The states that lost the most residents are almost all blue, led by California, New York and Illinois.Analysts who have studied the migration attributed much of it to the pandemic’s severing of the link between geography and the workplace. Remote work allowed many workers to move to red states, not because of political preferences, but for financial and lifestyle reasons—cheaper housing, better weather, less traffic and lower taxes, the analysts said.

The reports do not mention if people moved to red states because of political leanings. Watch out, Texas and Florida. More leftists could be headed your way.

The Wall Street Journal interviewed Sankeeth Bommi, who emigrated to the U.S. from India in the early 2000s. He lives in Los Angeles and worked as a senior director for a product team at Green Dot Corp., a “financial-technology company.”

Green Dot allowed employees to work from anywhere a few weeks after the pandemic started in March 2020. Bommi moved to Austin to be closer to family in Texas and Oklahoma but also because of cheap housing. He bought his first house, too.

Here’s the thing: Green Dot joined Bommi in 2021. The company saved money by “slashing its real-estate and business-travel costs, due to Austin’s central location.” Those in charge also made the move because a lot of the employees did not want to come back into the office.

The boom is real:

The movement is already starting to affect state economies and finances. Florida is on track to register a record budget surplus for the fiscal year that ends June 30, which it attributes in part to new residents. The state is putting most of the extra money into a reserve fund to protect state agencies and residents during the next downturn, while investing in school construction and raising teacher pay, a spokeswoman for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said.—Tennessee’s economy has benefited from such moves. Its unemployment hit an all-time low of 3.2% in April, according to federal data dating from 1976. Its workers saw some of the biggest gains in weekly earnings among all states last year. Its economy grew by 8.6% last year, leading all states. Corporate and sales tax revenues are rising.Gov. Bill Lee, a Republican, has proposed increases in teachers salaries, freezing tuition at state colleges and hiring more state troopers.

Michigan Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer tightened her iron fist around her state, restricting businesses and freedoms for a long time.

Do you know what happened? Michigan lost people: “The state crested 10 million again in 2020, but has lost an estimated 26,000 residents since, including nearly 17,000 between July 1, 2020, and July 1, 2021, according to the estimates.”

Pennsylvania, especially Philadelphia:

Pennsylvania lost 38,644 people or 0.3% of its population between April 2020 and July 2021, the U.S. Census Bureau estimates. That’s the sixth biggest numerical decline of any state. Pennsylvania now has an estimated 12.9 million people.Philadelphia shed 27,546 residents, or about 1.7% of its population, during the same time frame. That’s a shift from the previous decade, when the city steadily gained 77,791 residents, growing from 1.5 million residents in 2010 to 1.6 million in 2020.

The red states offer a better standard of living and cheaper housing, and COVID restrictions pretty much do not exist at the state level.

Tags: Economy, Wuhan Coronavirus