Philadelphia Mayor Thinks Only Cops Should Have Guns After Two Cops Injured in Shooting

Two officers were shot and injured during a fireworks display in Philadelphia, PA. A suspect remains at large.

The officers received treatment at a hospital and were released a few hours later. Thank goodness.

Law enforcement said they do not “know if this was a ricochet of celebratory gunfire or an intentional shooting from a long range.”

Either way, Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney said only cops should have guns even though the only victims, in this case, are police officers:

“It was a chilled back day, beautiful weather. But we live in America where we have the Second Amendment and we have the Supreme Court of the United States telling everybody they can carry a gun wherever they want,” he said.The mayor said he recently visited Canada and remarked that gun violence did not once cross his mind.”I was in Canada two weeks ago and never thought about a gun,” he said. “The only people I knew who had guns in Canada were police officers.””That’s the way it should be here,” Kenney stated, before saying such an idea was “never going to happen” in his lifetime.

If Kenney had the power he would trash the 2nd Amendment:

“If I had the ability to take care of guns, I would,” he said. “But the legislature won’t let us. Congress won’t let us. The governor does the best he can [and] the attorney general does the best he can, but this is a gun country.””It’s crazy,” Kenney added. “We’re the most armed country in world history and we’re one of the least safest (sic).””Until Americans decide that they want to give up the guns and give up the opportunity to get guns, we’re going to have this problem,” he told reporters.

Kenney lives in fear after a reporter asked him if he had any concerns about gun violence at large gatherings:

“I don’t enjoy the Fourth of July,” the mayor responded. “I didn’t enjoy the Democratic National Convention. I didn’t enjoy the NFL draft. I’m waiting for something bad to happen all the time.”

Kenney also said, “I’ll be happy when I’m not the mayor.”

Tags: 2nd Amendment, Gun Control, Pennsylvania