NYT Poll: Biden in Big Trouble With Democrats, Economy is Top Issue With Voters

A New York Times/Siena College poll spells big trouble for President Joe Biden and probably many other Democrats.

The Democrats have chosen guns and abortion as the hill to die on even though the poll shows next to no one even cares about those issues.

People care about the one thing they’ve always cared about: The economy, cost of living, and inflation.

People want to work, make money, and put food on the table.

Democrats do not want Biden in 2024. 64% of the respondents who want to vote in the Democratic primary hope the party nominates another candidate:

“I’m just going to come out and say it: I want younger blood,” said Nicole Farrier, a 38-year-old preschool teacher in East Tawas, a small town in northern Michigan. “I am so tired of all old people running our country. I don’t want someone knocking on death’s door.”Ms. Farrier, a Democrat who voted for Mr. Biden in 2020, said she had hoped he might have been able to do more to heal the nation’s divisions, but now, as a single mother, she is preoccupied with what she described as crippling increases in her cost of living. “I went from living a comfortable lifestyle to I can’t afford anything anymore,” she said.

20% of the respondents consider the economy as the most important issue. Yet what do we hear from the Biden people? “Oh, the economy is fine.” “Putin’s Price Hike!”

78% consider inflation and cost of living and 76% consider the economy as “extremely important.”

45% of them disapprove of the way Biden is handling his job.

Devout Catholic Biden has taken a hard stance on abortion after the elimination of Roe v. Wade.

Overall, only 5% of the respondents consider abortion as the most important issue.

Another interesting point is the Democrats/Biden scored more than Republicans/Trump, 3% to 2%. BUT TRUMP.

Coronavirus is at…0%.

The numbers slightly change for people aged 18-29 years old, especially those who identify as Democrats. But we all know that people change (like me!) once they get on their own and have children.

Tags: 2022 Elections, 2024 Elections, Biden Economic Policy