Minnesota Venue Cancels Dave Chappelle Show After Backlash
“We believe in diverse voices and the freedom of artistic expression, but…”

I explained why the left hates Dave Chappelle in my piece about his Netflix special The Closer receiving two Emmy nominations.
Chappelle is supposedly transphobic because he knows a person cannot literally change their sex. He also lashed out at cancel culture and people being so sensitive about anything.
Chappelle was scheduled to perform at First Avenue in Minneapolis, MN. It’s a theater featured prominently in Prince’s iconic Purple Rain. It’s beloved in Minneapolis.
First Avenue is also a place Chappelle has performed many times.
First Avenue announced on Monday that Chappelle would have a show on Wednesday. The show sold out in minutes.
Just Announced: Dave Chappelle Live at First Avenue on July 20.
Tix go on sale tomorrow morn (Tuesday, July 19) at 10AM → https://t.co/zr9y7iiDEO pic.twitter.com/JQ48hIWT06
— First Avenue (@FirstAvenue) July 18, 2022
But the snowflakes got all uppity with the announcement.
Hours before the show should have started on Wednesday, the venue canceled the show.
Chappelle’s show moved to Varsity Theater, where he performs on Thursday and Friday.
We hear you. Tonight’s show has been cancelled at First Avenue and is moving to the Varsity Theater. See our full statement for more. pic.twitter.com/tkf7rz0cc7
— First Avenue (@FirstAvenue) July 20, 2022
“We believe in diverse voices and the freedom of artistic expression, but in honoring that we lost sight of the impact this would have. We know there are some who will not agree with this decision; you are welcome to send feedback.”
Once you say BUT we all stop listening because no, you do not.
My friend Sarah has a great response:
Shameful! You obviously don’t value diverse voices if you shut down a comedy legend like Dave. I am a trans woman who thinks he is hilarious, I mean if you can’t laugh at yourself then you have no business laughing at others. Which is why comedy is dying, people are soft.
— Sara Higdon (@SaraHigdon_) July 20, 2022
Chappelle cannot be canceled like South Park and Bill Burr. They don’t back down and joke about everyone. No one is off limits.
Chappelle recently said, “The more you say I can’t say something, the more urgent it is for me to say it. And it has nothing to do with what you’re saying I can’t say. It has everything to do with my right, my freedom, of artistic expression. That is valuable to me. That is not severed from me. It’s worth protecting for me, and it’s worth protecting for everyone else who endeavors in our noble, noble professions.”

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Leftists: if you can’t stand the heat, shut down the kitchen,
Lousy, humorless snowflakes.
“We believe in diverse voices and the freedom of artistic expression, but…”
Often, if not always, “but” means we don’t believe anything before the “but”.
Looks good on paper.
Except for views that conflict with ours
finished what they really mean
They just are racist. Call out the First Avenue Theater for what it is.
“… but …” Yes, you sure are. That’s why you stink.
I thought the baker had to bake the cake. Public accommodation and all that. right?
Guess he doesn’t after all. Of course, if Kendi was cancelled from a venue, they’d be rioting.
I am curious concerning how the venue refused to do the show.
Did the contract allow the venue to refuse to allow the show?
Did the venue have to pay Dave $$$ to be released from doing the show?
Chappelle is Tutsi among Hutu, Zulu among Mandela’s Xhosa, deplorable among Kenyan elite.
Diversity (i.e. color judgment, class-based bigotry) is a dogma of the Pro-Choice ethical religion.
That said, diversity of individuals, minority of one. Baby Lives Matter (BLM)
OOOH, they’re going to pay probably out the nose for breach of contract, not to mention other legal issues should Chapelle force the issue.
“We value your feedback” No, you don’t. You bent over backward like a Slinky to placate of vocal minority, who would not go to the show and spend money at your venue. Your action has basically damaged your reputation and I think other comics would think twice about using your location after this.
Enjoy the fruits of not thinking your cunning plan through.
Since this is a contract cases, the amount of Dave’s actually damages must be determined.
Perhaps, at the new venue, he will be making more money. (I saw the prices he is charging and could not understand the four and three figure per seat charges.)
In the same way corporate boards adopt poison pill provisions to ward off takeover bids, I wonder if it’s time for artists to do something similar with performance contracts? Some provision to make such cancellations more difficult for venues?
Such as ‘but for an act of God’ the artist is paid whether they perform or not IF the venue / promoter cancels. Likewise if the venue relocates the performance for any reason they have to pay for any/all security costs to keep the artist safe – especially since the venues are reacting to online threats and claim it is an issue of safety. It would be better to take such action through a union on behalf of all professional actors, not individuals as it could make someone un-bookable …
As my favorite Drill Sergeant, DS Cheatum was prone to say ‘if you’re scared then say you’re scared’.
“The show sold out in minutes.”
“Hours before the show should have started on Wednesday, the venue canceled the show.”
It’s like there’s a competition between Disney, Netflix, Starbucks, Gillette, and Oberlin to see who can bleed out fastest from a self-inflicted foot wound.
Reportedly, only 125 people signed the petition to cancel Chappelle and antifa chipped in with some threats.
I understand that Antifa had some trouble at a mall recently…
What I find really funny is that they didn’t cancel, they just moved the show to another venue and it went ahead with no problems.
Nothing like cancelling a black man in George Floyd utopia.
Where’s the black outrage?
First Avenue in Minneapolis, MN.
Pan. Zies.
Maybe they will book some woke comedians instead. Or is “woke comedian” an oxymoron?
“Woke successful comedian” is an oxymoron.