House Republicans Demand Answers on Reports of Federal Resources Used to Transport Illegal Immigrant Minors to Get Abortions
“This outrageous use of federal resources to transport minors across state lines for abortions or otherwise providing or facilitating abortions in DHS or HHS custody is a heinous act and must be stopped.”
Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz. and 21 other House Republicans, sent a letter Friday to the Biden administration, demanding answers on reports of federal resources being used to transport minors across state lines for abortions.
The Biden Administration is now savagely transporting alien minors in federal custody to receive abortions.
This outrageous use of federal resources is a heinous act and must be stopped.
I'm demanding answers from DHS and HHS leadership.
— Rep Andy Biggs (@RepAndyBiggsAZ) July 15, 2022
The members ask eight questions in the letter and point out, “Federal taxpayer dollars should not be used to transport illegal aliens for abortions or otherwise facilitate abortions.”
Please provide answers to the following questions and the requested documents by July 29, 2022.
1. How many aliens has either DHS or HHS transported to receive an abortion?
a. How many of these aliens has DHS transported across state lines to receive an abortion?
b. How many of these aliens has HHS transported across state lines to receive an abortion?
c. How many of these aliens were under the age of 18 at the time they were transported by either DHS or HHS for an abortion?
2. Which offices within your departments are transporting the aliens?
3. What budget authority is being used to pay for the transportation of the aliens?
4. How much money has been spent transporting aliens for abortions?
5. Is either DHS or HHS paying for the abortions? If not, who is paying for the abortions?
6. Did your departments obtain parental consent prior to transporting aliens for abortions?
7. Please provide copies of all documents related to the transportation of aliens for abortions.
8. Please provide copies of all documents related to efforts by your departments to use federal funds to assist aliens in obtaining abortions.
The letter was addressed to Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra.
DHS officials have also prepared a memo in recent weeks informing immigration detention centers that women in their custody should be given access to abortion regardless of their location, according to internal documents obtained by The Wall Street Journal on July 12.
“The Biden administration is now savagely transporting alien minors in federal custody to receive abortions,” Biggs told Fox News Digital in a statement. “This outrageous use of federal resources to transport minors across state lines for abortions or otherwise providing or facilitating abortions in DHS or HHS custody is a heinous act and must be stopped.
“Secretary Mayorkas and Secretary Becerra must immediately cease this conduct and provide us a thorough explanation of why this callous practice began in the first place,” he continued.
Last month Becerra remarked that “Every option is on the table,” the health secretary said in an interview on June 28. “We will take a look at everything we can. And everything we do will be in compliance with the law.”
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed a lawsuit last week against the Biden administration over Health and Human Services Department’s emergency abortion guidelines.
Along with Homeland Security and Health and Human Services, the Pentagon and DOJ joined the discussion.
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Here’s the reality check.
This is all political Kabuki ( like digging into Russian Collusion, Hillary’s Benghazi, Hunter Laptop and everything else the GOP grandstands about but never actually does)
Trump was on the right path with that “F” classification but got derailed ( needs to come back)
There are only 2 things that will force the deep state into any form of compliance.
Defund the organization ( and its highly unlikely the GOPe will defund anything since they are neck deep in it too)
Fire the leadership ( what Trump tried)
Don’t ever forget this.
The left AND the GOPe build lines into various bills that DELIBERATELY make them fail or set them up for abuse by not being specific on allowance criteria, handing it to bureaucrats with no oversight and no IG ability and so forth,
These are not the result of stupid or accidents- they are raiding the public funds at will because they always have and know they can with zero accountability.
Until that changes- there is no stopping or slowing any of this.
Mayorkas will not reply to this letter other than to claim he needs more time to gather the information. This will go nowhere so the next move should be for Republicans to call for impeachment proceedings. Next in line would be AG Garland. Those will go nowhere too but with the elections happening soon, it will begin the groundswell needed to act fast in January.
There a lot of impeachments needed so let’s get started.
From your mouth to God’s ears but…
UNLESS we wind up with a significant MAGA influx at the state and federal level ( enough to have a force even if not a majority) then there isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell of any corrective actions.
That’s not to say there wont be some small sacrifice of a meaningless dungeon level bureaucrat or 2 just to say “see, we came in and did something’– there probably will be that. Just enough to feed the lie.
The way we win is to take the offensive. Republicans always react rather than taking the initiative. There are enough “conservatives” sitting in the House to get this going. There is every reason to believe that the big Red Wave will be a MAGA wave. Why wait? Strike a blow now and push it right into the election. Make it a big issue NOW because doing so lines up with the political winds.
I grant you all signs point to that big red MAGA wave but experience has taught me that until it IS- it isn’t and there’s no question the strong offense is the best defense.
There is no “right now” because the RINO/GOPe “caucus” is as much the ENEMY as the left is and we simply don’t have the money, numbers and support “right now”.
As I see it, right now the “GOP” is being “unmasked” in terms of first a RINO/GOPe-“conservative” then a conservative breakdown to those who are vertebrates and invertebrates.
I personally ( just my opinion and observation) don’t believe there are enough vertebrate Conservatives in office right now to effect any significant change.
You have no idea how I hope and pray you serve my words back to me with a heaping helping of bitter herbs but I don’t think that’s going to happen unless we win big in November.
(Even then it will be an uphill fight because we will be fighting a unified enemy with a common cause- survival)
Taurus: “There is no “right now” because the RINO/GOPe “caucus” is as much the ENEMY as the left is and we simply don’t have the money, numbers and support “right now”.”
That is why we lose. We don’t have the numbers to win the war right now but by forcing these squishes to pick side heading into the election, we take a lot of skin off of their hide. We are in a war and wars aren’t won by waiting until you have the certainty of winning. You wear the enemy down and force them to do things they don’t want to do. You push them back and put them on the defensive. Then the elections occur, this Congress is dissolved and we head into next year with a full head of steam and a lot of “dead bodies” behind us.
After Washington crossed the Delaware, he immediately scored two morale-boosting victories at Trenton and Princeton to end 1776 on and up note after a dismal year. Make them hurt going into next year. Give Trump and DeSantis early momentum.
@ Phil
I agree with you in spirit and intent but see the ground game a bit differently ( not all that far off)
>>>That is why we lose. We don’t have the numbers to win the war right now but by forcing these squishes to pick side heading into the election, we take a lot of skin off of their hide.
I have made basically the same argument but the key difference is defining exactly what “force” consists of- basically there are only 3 available “forces”.
Force them by affecting them financially
Force them by removing them ( thus forcing the next up)
Forcing them by risk ( this can be anything from discovering a scandal to threatening)
They wont react to anything else and one of those is almost always illegal and the other 2 can only happen by large concentrations of votes directed in a singular fashion.
We “lose” because prior to Trump we kept voting them in because we believed their lies- now they have been unmasked, if we DONT vote them out ( or impact the business’ significantly of those paying them off) then its our fault, not theirs.
>>>We are in a war and wars aren’t won by waiting until you have the certainty of winning. You wear the enemy down and force them to do things they don’t want to do. You push them back and put them on the defensive.
Sounds good taught at CGSC, Battle Skills and Battle Staff but in real combat, the first thing out the window is the “plan”.
Each of those above actions require cooperation and coordination to execute where the end effect occurs- we as “voters” do not have that collective ability with our “representatives” and then you have the “Pierre Delecto/Mittens type who they they are voted in because of their “standards of gentry”.
As I said upthread- we have to first cull the herd and instill a bit of fear in the remainder. (which i think we agree on)
>>>After Washington crossed the Delaware, he immediately scored two morale-boosting victories at Trenton and Princeton to end 1776 on and up note after a dismal year. Make them hurt going into next year. Give Trump and DeSantis early momentum.
I agree fully in principle but its non sequitur. Washington was fighting a shooting war ( cause and effect) against a standing uniformed army on a battlefield- we are fighting an asymmetric war against insurgent ghosts who specialize in ninja tactics.
We need to start doing the same.
This Mayorkas character has never come across as mentally squared away. He and the Biden adm are engaging in human trafficing.
“Legal Insurrection Staff.” Never noticed that designation before. Good to see the work growing and growing….
It’s a secret cabal of extreme radical right-wing phobia-phobic phobiaphobes conspiring to spark a revolution.
About the article itself: Mayorkas, what the hell is that foreigner doing TOUCHING our immigration system?!
Oh, yeah, we had a Kenyan running things. Talk about OUTRAGE.
He is doing exactly what he was put there to do
Okay, okay, I wasn’t thinking.
What the hell do you mean by “foreigner”?! He’s a US citizen, exactly the same as you. He has as much right here as you do. The US constitution says so, and that’s an end to it.
Tell me, do you think Ted Cruz is a foreigner too?
If the Federal government quit spending money on illegal immigrants and then spent the same amount of money on our citizens this country would be in a lot better shape.
And if they took the billions of dollars they been throwing away on Ukraine and instead used it at home to help make America great……..
Of course if they used that money on green bull shit, global warming nonsense, CRT indoctrination, etc etc, our country would be just as bad if not worse. Go figure.
Remember, the “Federal Government’ really doesn’t exist. Its an assembly of mostly unelected mostly untouchable invisible bureaucrats with their hand in the public till catering to those who own them.
Also remember, they know exactly what will put this country and its people in ” a lot better state” which is EXACTLY WHY THEY DO THE OPPOSITE.
Don’t buy the lie
These people know full well both what they are and are NOT accomplishing. This isn’t accidental or stupid or some misguided effort- this is a managed decline with the end goal of destroying us as an effective country ripe for takeover.
I remember. Don’t buy the lie.
It’s outrage bait for conservative soap opera addicts, a narrow interest.
Those are potential anchor babies. Why are dems murdering them? They really didn’t think this through.
You’ve got to admire Democrat overreach.
When America has roundly rejected your stances on multiple issues, perform several of them in combination simultaneously just to show you can.
Remember years ago ( I don’t remember the exact subject) where the “great “O” said he was “listening” to all those who didn’t speak up.
They really do listen to and obey those voices in their heads.
In fairness, no different from Nixon’s famous “Silent Majority.”
Politicians always know the will of silent people, just as they know the choice of dead voters.
What a sick group of idealogue bureaucrats we have.