House Judiciary Committee: Whistleblowers Say FBI ‘Pressuring Agents’ to Reclassify Cases as Domestic Terrorism

Rep. Jim Jordan, the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, told FBI Director Christopher Wray that whistleblowers have disclosed instances of the FBI pressuring agents to reclassify some cases as “domestic violent extremism.”

“Given the narrative pushed the Biden Administration that domestic terrorism is the ‘greatest threat’ facing our country, the revelation that the FBI may be padding domestic terrorism data is scandalous,” wrote Jordan.

The FBI’s definition of a domestic violent extremist (DVE): “an individual based and operating primarily within the United States or its territories without direction or inspiration from a foreign terrorist group or other foreign power who seeks to further political or social goals wholly or in part through unlawful acts of force or violence.”

In 2021, the administration unveiled its strategy to combat domestic terrorism, emphasizing white supremacy and neo-Nazis:

An unclassified summary of that assessment was released in March so the public could see the key findings. It found that the two most lethal elements of today’s domestic terrorism threat are (1) racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists who advocate for the superiority of the white race and (2) anti-government or anti-authority violent extremists, such as militia violent extremists.

Even the ACLU was like, “Yeah, um, this is a bad idea.”

At a press conference, Attorney General Merrick Garland said “that the number of open terrorism investigations ‘has increased significantly.'”

Jordan continued:

New whistleblower disclosures made by multiple FBI employees from different field offices indicate that the Biden Administration’s narrative may be misleading. We have received accusations that FBI agents are bolstering the number of cases of DVEs to satisfy their superiors. For example, one whistleblower explained that because agents are not finding enough DVE cases, they are encouraged and incentivized to reclassify cases as DVE cases even though there is minimal, circumstantial evidence to support the reclassification. Another whistleblower—who led at least one high profile domestic terrorism investigation—stated that a field office Counterterrorism Assistant Special Agent in Charge and the FBI’s Director of the Counterterrorism Division have pressured agents to move cases into the DVE category to hit self-created performance metrics. According to whistleblowers, the FBI uses these metrics to dispense awards and promotions. Every whistleblower has called it an environment of “pressure” within the FBI.These whistleblower allegations that the FBI is padding its domestic violent extremist data cheapens actual examples of violent extremism. This information also reinforces our concerns—about which we have written to you several times—regarding the FBI’s politicization under your leadership. As we have detailed, multiple whistleblowers have disclosed how the Biden FBI is conducting a “purge” of FBI employees holding conservative views. You have ignored these concerns. It appears instead that the FBI is more focused on classifying investigations to meet a woke left-wing agenda.

This news comes only a day after Sen. Chuck Grassley informed Wray and Garland of whistleblowers detailing efforts at the FBI and DOJ to discredit negative information on Hunter Biden. The effort began before the 2020 election!

Don’t forget we have the FBI and DOJ thinking concerned parents at school board meetings are domestic terrorists.

Tags: FBI, House of Representatives, Terrorism