George Soros Gave Beto a Campaign Donation of $1 Million on June 23
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George Soros Gave Beto a Campaign Donation of $1 Million on June 23

George Soros Gave Beto a Campaign Donation of $1 Million on June 23

I doubt this money will do anything for Robert Francis O’Rourke.

Robert Francis O’Rourke’s campaign finance report is out. A familiar name is on the list.

Billionaire George Soros gave the wannabe Texas governor $1 million on June 23.

O’Rourke fans groaned when someone asked the Texas gubernatorial candidate if he received any money from Soros on May 21, 2022.

Is the right obsessed with Soros? The dude is never up to any good. But Soros is also more proof that leftists are hypocritical regarding money in politics.

They whine and cry about dark money and Republicans receiving money from big-time people who don’t even live in the state or district of said candidate.

Soros is also a big donor to numerous troubling district attorneys and state attorneys across the country.

Soros backed Chesa Boudin for San Francisco district attorney, the son of Weather Underground terrorists. His soft-on-crime approach has helped the city become a full-blown disaster.

The people of San Francisco successfully recalled Boudin.

Soros might lose Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón. Leslie coined the city Gascónistan because the DA won’t do anything about crime, even sexual crimes against children.

Wait! There’s more.

Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, another one backed by Soros, has felt the heat lately. He vowed to only go after violent criminals and encouraged prosecutors to turn some felonies into misdemeanors.

Bragg might not recover over his office’s mishandling of bodega worker Jose Alba. The office dropped the second-degree murder charge when Alba acted in self-defense but it might be too late for Bragg’s career.

Soros backed Cook County State Attorney Kim Foxx, the woman who bungled the case against Jussie Smollett. He gave $2 million to a PAC formed specifically to reelect Foxx.

Foxx won. But it’s Chicago, so yeah.


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to the full extent allowed by law.


He will need more

As pissed as I am at Abbott, I will have to hold my nose and vote for him
I did not vote for Abbott in the primary

He has done nothing with Epoc , we are still riding the windmill disaster and it’s 100 degrees for 3 months and soon the whole system is going to break down…
Great leadership Abbott

And then the border…buttercup has no balls
Shut the f-king thing down Abbott, we are being invaded, call the Feds bluff.

2smartforlibs | July 19, 2022 at 2:48 pm

Funny how dark money is fine with liberals when it’s their pocket getting lined.

1 million? Is that all?

    gonzotx in reply to Peabody. | July 19, 2022 at 3:12 pm

    That’s all they admit to.

    30,000,000 under the table

    And he’s married to a billionaire’s daughter

    And his family has millions

    They probably are relieved that he’s not dead of a overdose on top of a skateboard accident.

Blaise MacLean | July 19, 2022 at 3:13 pm

I recall that Dinesh D’Souza went to jail for a $20,000.00 donation.

How does this work? Is this just an application of the old “It’s better to be a Democrat” rule?

    Milhouse in reply to Blaise MacLean. | July 20, 2022 at 11:06 pm

    Federal elections have a donation limit of, I think, $2900 per candidate per election.

    D’Souza broke the law by getting someone else to make his donation in their name, so he could go over the limit.

    But Texas has no limit on donations.

henrybowman | July 19, 2022 at 4:00 pm

So is there a donation limit, or isn’t there?
Mine is five figures, maybe four. What am I doing wrong?

    You have to commit to the crazy, and really sell it – but only when the cameras are around. Jumping on table tops and screaming things like “hell yeah we’re coming for your guns” is Beto’s trademark move … so that’s been done … you need something original and unique … maybe put on a nurses uniform (think Nurse Ratched), claim to be transgendered, wave around a pair of salad tongs and scream “hell yeah we’re coming for your fetuses” or something equally despicable. Then watch the dollars roll in.

    Seriously, “what can a man pay for his soul” – you don’t strike me the type to offer it for sale, so, I guess you’ll just have to be broke like the rest of us. 😉

    Milhouse in reply to henrybowman. | July 20, 2022 at 11:07 pm

    So is there a donation limit, or isn’t there?

    Not in Texas.

Whatever happened to campaign donation limits?

Abbot is doing such a poor job in Texas that you Texans are in extreme danger of losing the state to a marxist.

As a reminder in the last election for senator, Cruz held on to defeat the marxist 50.9 to 48.3%. That’s mighty close, and I’m guessing Abott is less popular than the feckless Cruz.

You clearly do not follow Texas politics. Abbot will easily defeat beto, just as he did in the primaries. I’m not an Abbot fan, but as gonzotx indicated, will hold my nose and vote for him.

    Barry in reply to HUTCH68. | July 19, 2022 at 8:47 pm

    UH huh. 50.9 to 48.3%
    Bet you said the same about Cruz.
    Hopefully you’ll have enough power to run the polls. Probably will not have AC or heat though.

      HUTCH68 in reply to Barry. | July 20, 2022 at 10:13 am

      You seem to believe a senate race that occurred 4 years ago (which Cruz won) has any relevance to the governor’s race.

      Primary results in a simple head to head show Abbot beating beto 64:36.

      But please, continue to keep your faith.

    Barry in reply to HUTCH68. | July 19, 2022 at 8:49 pm

    “You clearly do not follow Texas politics.”

    LOL, you have no clue. That POS fake hispanic, “beto”, almost beat Cruz in the last senate race. That would be in TEXAS.

      Evil Otto in reply to Barry. | July 19, 2022 at 10:42 pm

      Yes. That was then… and this is NOW. Bobby Frank is going to get crushed, easily.

      Just Al in reply to Barry. | July 20, 2022 at 6:10 pm

      Cruz represents a district that encompasses a good portion of Austin and San Antonio, which are very left leaning cities, but still managed to beat Robert. The governor’s race covers the entire state, which votes republican and doesn’t like O’Rourke. I’ve seen one Beto sign in a yard anywhere outside Austin. If you go to Austin that’s where you see the Beto bumper stickers. Luckily with Texas being the second most populous state in the country we can cover the areas that vote for the dems.

        Milhouse in reply to Just Al. | July 20, 2022 at 11:12 pm

        Um, what?! Cruz represents a district?! In which universe?

        Cruz’s electorate is exactly the same as Abbott’s.

Bragg might not recover over his office’s mishandling of bodega worker Jose Alba. The office dropped the second-degree murder charge when Alba acted in self-defense but it might be too late for Bragg’s career.
Sleazeball isn’t charging the dead guys girlfriend either.

Glad murder charges were dropped against Jose Alba — but they never should have existed in the first place. Apparently Bragg felt the girlfriend who repeatedly stabbed Alba is in the clear. Justice is a joke in NY.

— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) July 19, 2022

Elections are so undermined no one actually knows who wins anything anymore, and this is yet another prime example of the asinine nature of state elections run amok.

There should be no outside monies allowed for individual state elections, which clearly opens the door for reprobates like Soros to sprinkle his evil crap in local races. Robby – as he’s known to his family – is a bum and a mook. Go for it pal, get your head handed to you one more time regardless the amount of grifter cash you waste trying to buy a Senate seat.

    Milhouse in reply to Camperfixer. | July 20, 2022 at 11:15 pm

    There should be no outside monies allowed for individual state elections,

    That would violate the freedom of speech.

    It would also be ineffective, since Soros could just run his own Pro-O’Rourke campaign, without involving the candidate at all. That’s core political speech, which gets the highest first-amendment protection.

Lee Zeldin says that if he’s elected he’ll fire Bragg on his first day in office, Jan 1 2023. He can’t actually do that — the process takes at least a week and probably a lot longer. But he can certainly start it on Jan 1.