FactCheck.org Goes Full Orwellian Defending Biden’s “Repeat The Line” Embarassment

Joe “I am the Democratic Party” Biden caused much hilarity and sparked much mockery with his recent bizarre “repeat the line” teleprompter gaffe.https://twitter.com/greg_price11/status/1545443050855481346The WH response was insane, insisting that he said words that we can all see and hear he did not.https://twitter.com/EmilieSimons46/status/1545444891609776128My guess is not that the teleprompter provided the instruction, “repeat the line,” but that the teleprompter literally said “let me repeat the line.” And Biden flubbed it.After all, the White House staff knows better than to trust Biden with something that requires any thought at all; they have to give him explicit notes telling him to take his own seat, for goodness’ sake.That’s just a guess, though, and confirmation would require the WH to acknowledge that Slow Joe can’t be trusted not just with teleprompter instructions (even those in ALL CAPS) but with reading what is actually on the teleprompter.What cannot be denied is what we all can see and hear in the clip. Biden literally says, “end quote. Repeat the line.”FactCheck.org performs some logic- and sense-defying rhetorical gymnastics in defense of Biden and Democrats, though, and this partisan take is much more interesting than what Biden did or didn’t say.FactCheck.org sheds all semblance of nonpartisan fact-checking and goes all-in for the Democrat and WH spin. It’s truly disgusting.Under the heading “debunking viral claims,” FactCheck.org posts an article entitled, “Social Media Posts Misleadingly Edit and Misrepresent Biden Remarks from Teleprompter” (archive link).The White House transcript, which was doctored to reflect what Biden should have said and not what he actually said, is cited as the authority here, the final word.

Before signing the order, Biden delivered remarks in which he directly quoted the court’s majority opinion, and the White House released a copy of his remarks. Here is the White House transcript:

Biden, July 8: One of the most extraordinary parts of the decision, in my view, is the majority writes, and I quote, “Women…” — it’s a quote now, from the majority — “Women are not without electoral or political power. It is noteworthy that the percentage of women who registered to vote and cast a ballot is consistently higher than the percentage of the men who do so.” End of quote.Let me repeat the line: “Women are not without electoral…” and/or political — “or” — let me be precise; not “and/or” — “…or political power.”That’s another way of saying that you, the women of America, can determine the outcome of this issue.

In the video of the remarks, it’s not clear that Biden says “let me” before saying “repeat the line.”

It’s “not clear” Biden says “let me” because he did not say it, but rather than just admit this, FactCheck.org is on a mission, a leftwing, Democrat mission.

Ultimately, the goal of the FactCheck.org piece is not to vindicate Biden (an impossible task in this case); it is to vilify anyone on social media for wrongthink.

But posts on social media shared a shortened clip of that part of Biden’s remarks to falsely claim that he mistakenly read the cues off the teleprompter when he said “end of quote” and “repeat the line,” insinuating that he is becoming senile.The videos in the social media posts don’t include Biden citing the full quote of the court’s opinion, so it isn’t clear that he was ending a direct quote and then went on to repeat it.One post on Facebook shared the video with the title “Biden HUMILIATES Himself During Speech, Can’t Read A Teleprompter.”“​​Ooops…President literally reads teleprompter instructions, YOU: ,” read the caption of another Facebook post.“Joe Biden accidentally reads the part on the teleprompter that says ‘end of quote, repeat the line’ when they wanted him to say the line again,” read a false claim on Twitter.“Whoever controls the teleprompter is the real President,” Tesla CEO Elon Musk said in a reply to the tweet.

This wasn’t a fact check on what Biden did or didn’t say, it was a hit piece on half the country, on the “deplorables” and wrongthinkers and “domestic terrorists” who reject Biden’s and the Democrats’ America Last agenda.

Tags: Joe Biden, Media Bias