“Climate Activists” Slash SUV Tires in NYC, Say Other U.S. Cities Will be Hit Next

Criminals claiming to be “climate activists” in New York City have begun a campaign of slashing the tires of sport utility vehicles.

It’s a practice that started in the U.K but has now been picked up by American activists who promise that New York City is just the starting point.

Thomas Catenacci reports at Fox News:

Climate activists slash dozens of SUV tires in NYC, say ‘major cities’ across US to be hit nextA group of climate activists has started a campaign to randomly slash tires of parked SUVs across the U.S. in an effort to curb greenhouse gas emissions.The Tyre Extinguishers — a group that originated in the U.K. and has expanded to various European nations — conducted its first “action” in New York City this week. The group vowed to conduct similar operations in cities nationwide.”We are rapidly expanding across the United States and are in touch with people in major cities across the USA,” a spokesperson for the Tyre Extinguishers told Fox News Digital. “We expect this to expand massively.”The spokesperson referred Fox News Digital back to the group’s website in response to a series of other questions. They didn’t comment on the legality of vandalizing SUVs.

Apparently, none of these geniuses have considered that this will simply lead to producing more tires, which probably won’t align with their climate change concerns.

This campaign didn’t materialize out of thin air. Back in April, KATV News in Arkansas reported:

Climate activists urge people to deflate SUV tires ‘to hit’ car industry ‘where it hurts’Calling climate change “the biggest crisis we’ve faced as a species,” a group of climate activists are instructing people to deflate the tires of sport utility vehicles (SUVs) in order to drive their point home that the large-sized vehicles are “totally unnecessary” and one of the largest contributors of global CO2 emissions.In what is being described as “a gentle escalation of methods,” climate activists from the group Adbusters are launching the deflation campaign “to drive the urgency of this climate crisis home and engender a systemic aversion” to SUVs.The group posted flyers on Twitter instructing individuals to wedge rocks into the tire valve of SUVs and place a “leaflet” on the windshield to convey a message to anyone driving them.

Here’s a recent video report from Channel 4 News in Britain:

This is not activism. It’s a crime, plain and simple.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Climate Change, Crime, New York City, Progressives, Terrorism