Biden Nominates Lawyer Who Represented Mississippi Abortion Clinic to Appeals Court

Our “devout” Catholic president doesn’t know when to stop.

Biden nominated lawyer Julie Rikelman to the 1st US Circuit Court of Appeals based in Boston.

Rikelman represented the Jackson Women’s Health Organization in front of SCOTUS in the case that overturned Roe v. Wade. From CNN:

Rikelman currently serves as senior litigation director for the Center for Reproductive Rights and is considered one of the best abortion rights attorneys in the country. Biden’s move suggests an effort to bolster the bench with an expert on the issue at a time when more than half the states are prepared to ban if not further restrict the procedure.”In addition to challenging bans and clinic closing laws around the country, Julie’s other litigation work at the Center has included leading the Center’s efforts against invasive ultrasound laws, fighting to preserve access to medication abortion, and defending the rights of young people in Florida and Alaska to make their own reproductive health decisions,” her biography on the Center for Reproductive Rights’ website said.

The case Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization targeted Mississippi’s law banning abortions after 15 weeks.

SCOTUS used the case to finally overturn Roe v. Wade and leave abortion to the states.

Rikelman also argued June Medical Services v. Russo in March 2020. That was successful for her as SCOTUS ruled a Louisiana law that required hospital-admission requirements on abortion doctors as unconstitutional.

The Center for Reproductive Rights states it “uses the power of law to advance reproductive rights as fundamental human rights around the world.”

The center envisions a world “[W]here every woman is free to decide whether or when to have children and whether to get married; where access to quality reproductive health care is guaranteed; and where every woman can make these decisions free from coercion or discrimination.”

I think there is something you could not do to not get pregnant. Just saying.

Tags: Abortion, Biden Appointments, US Supreme Court