Parents File Lawsuit Against Loudoun County Schools Over Violations of Rights

A group of parents has launched a lawsuit against Loudoun County schools in Virginia which makes a variety of charges. They are represented by America First Legal, headed by former Trump adviser Stephen Miller.

Several months ago, former FOX News host Megyn Kelly, a lawyer herself, said that the way to fight the woke agenda in education is in the courts, and that’s just what’s happening.

It seems appropriate that this is happening in Loudoun County, which has been ground zero for many of these issues.

From America First Legal:

Today, America First Legal (“AFL”), in an action through its Center for Legal Equality and with the assistance of the Binnall Law Group, sued Loudoun County Public Schools (“LCPS”), Superintendent Scott Ziegler, several senior LCPS officials, and the Loudoun County Public School Board on behalf of eleven courageous parents for the district’s deliberate, egregious and systemic violation of parents’ rights.Unlawful actions by the most notorious school district in America include:

Read the full text of the suit here.

Cortney O’Brien of FOX News has more details:

Loudoun County Public Schools hit with lawsuit for ‘moral corruption of children,’ parental ‘violations’The conservative America First Legal (AFL), through its Center for Legal Equality, has filed a lawsuit against Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) “for the district’s systemic and egregious moral corruption of children and its deliberate, and almost gleeful, violations of parental rights to control the upbringing of their children.””Parents across the country should be shocked and horrified to see a once-respected school system systematically destroyed, all because LCPS believes that it has more of a right than parents to tell a captive audience of students what they MUST believe,” America First Legal said in a press release Tuesday. “Fortunately, as we have seen, there are no parents with more courage, more fight, and more rock-solid dedication to their children than in Loudoun County, Virginia.”

We constantly hear stories about college students issuing lists of demands. It’s about time parents, i.e., taxpayers, started making some demands of their own:

The plaintiffs listed several demands from the school district.”A declaration from the court that Policy and Regulation 8040, and other policies and practices violate plaintiff parents’ constitutional rights; an injunction against LCPS to prevent it from continuing to do so; the appointment of a special master to monitor LCPS and report to the court on its compliance with its legal obligations; an order directing LCPS to pay for plaintiffs’ children’s education in a private school until LCPS ceases its unlawful activities,” AFL wrote.

This is the way to fight this. Woke school boards have to learn that parents will fight back.

Tags: College Insurrection, Critical Race Theory, Education, LGBT, Social Justice, Transgender, Virginia