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More Biden Administration Staffers Leaving the White House

More Biden Administration Staffers Leaving the White House

“White House Rapid Response Director Mike Gwin and White House press assistant Michael Kikukawa would be leaving to serve in public affairs at the U.S. Treasury”

Joe Biden’s White House just can’t hang on to staffers. Last week, it was widely reported that black staffers were fleeing the administration, and now other people are following.

This is a trend that has been going on since at least last December.

Jessica Chasmar reports at FOX News:

White House announces more press team departures amid shakeup

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre announced two more press team departures Tuesday amid an ongoing staff shakeup.

Jean-Pierre said White House Rapid Response Director Mike Gwin and White House press assistant Michael Kikukawa would be leaving to serve in public affairs at the U.S. Treasury.

“On a sad note, our dear friend and colleague Michael Gwin will be leaving us for Treasury, where he will serve as deputy assistant secretary for Public Affairs,” Jean-Pierre said. “Gwin has served as the White House director of Rapid Response for the past 16 months, responding to the most challenging and difficult issues imaginable. Yet amidst these often emotionally wrenching stories, Gwin’s poise and moral clarity are unfailing, and his willingness and ability to step up has made him an indispensable member of the team.”

“And joining Gwin at the Treasury Department will be our very own Michael Kikukawa, where he will serve as a spokesperson,” she continued. “Michael, better known here to all of you, to all of us, as Kiku, has served not just as a press assistant, but as the strong engine and reliable engine at the press shop. His relentless work ethic and dedication to the mission of this team have been second to none.”

It’s interesting that the rapid response director is leaving one week after Karine Jean-Pierre was unable to say who briefed Biden on the baby formula shortage.

It’s also worth noting that this White House thinks everything is a ‘messaging’ problem.

From CNN:

White House rapid response director departs for Treasury as Biden’s messaging operation transitions

President Joe Biden’s director of rapid response will soon depart the White House for the Treasury Department, becoming the latest West Wing aide to shift to a more senior role in another part of the administration.

Mike Gwin, an Ohio native who would inevitably end up in a key communications role in whatever the crisis or major policy issue facing Biden throughout the course of his first 16 months in office, will serve as the deputy assistant secretary for public affairs under Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen.

The subject matter will be familiar for Gwin, who operated as a member of the economic communications team focused on legislative efforts, the showdown over raising the debt limit and the confirmations of Biden’s key Federal Reserve nominees.

When staffers departed the Trump White House, it was framed as proof that his administration was in disarray.

Under Biden, it’s presented as the natural flow of things.


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KARINE JEAN-PIERRE will probably be the next to leave. She is not cut out for the job and the only way she will do well is if she has someone else come out and speak for her.

    diver64 in reply to Peabody. | June 10, 2022 at 5:47 am

    Immigrant, black, lesbian. That is a whole lot of boxes checked on the intersectional bingo card. She will leave when she wants to leave

The way this is going, Brandon will be carrying his own bags onto Airforce One and Mrs Brandon will be his scheduling secretary.

I can’t imagine what working for that fraudster and lying 24×7 to cover him must do to the soul. Not to mention Biden and Harris playing the role of Obama’s patsies.

    Jmaquis in reply to MrE. | June 9, 2022 at 12:29 am

    Why stop with brandon and heels-up? Other patsies include hitlary, obeyme, wookie and mrs. brandon. Soros is also a patsie directly to NWO so lots of patsies to go around. Gargoyles all!

The next batch will be even less competent than this incompetent bunch. Nobody should work for that pedophile.

Like rats deserting a sinking ship.

The Gentle Grizzly | June 9, 2022 at 7:10 am

Staff? Or, staph?

Take Joe and the ‘Ho with you.

ugottabekiddinme | June 9, 2022 at 4:56 pm

Karine in announcing his departure, called Gwin “indispensable” .

[Inigo Montoya voice] “I do not think that word means what you think it means.”

healthguyfsu | June 9, 2022 at 7:12 pm

Considering this admin’s performance record, I’m not at all surprised that the “leader” of the “rapid response team” is on its way out.

Gwin probably had a nervous breakdown after months of dealing with this disaster of an administration