CNN’s Ana Navarro Uses Her Disabled Family Members to Justify Abortion

I’m speechless.

CNN’s Alisyn Camerota and Ana Navarro bully Republican strategist Alice Stewart because she explained how the country has a lot of pregnancy and infant crisis centers to help women and their babies before, during, and after birth.

But since everything might not go to plan. Instead of allowing Stewart to explain the massive amount of resources women can use they interrupt and speak over her.

Navarro uses her family members who have disabilities in her argument.

Evil. Pure freaking evil coming out of this woman’s mouth.

My mother raised me by herself during my first year. I was born with head trauma that left me with epilepsy and motor skills problems. Mom worked full-time while fitting in my doctor appointments, in-home nurse appointments, and physical therapy.

Navarro invokes her supposed Catholic faith I guess as a way to shield her from criticism. Lady, you cannot be Catholic and support abortion.

Here’s the transcript:

ALICE STEWART: I can tell you, having worked and advocated in the pro-life community for many years, there are crisis pregnancy centers set up across this country that are there to provide assistance, financial assistance, for expectant mothers.ALISYN CAMEROTA (interrupting): Right, but I mean, after they’re born.STEWART: Before, during, and after they have their child, whether they decide to put it up for adoption or they want to keep it themselves. There are services in place in the pro-life community that will help in this situation.CAMEROTA: But Alice. Hold on. Let me just talk to you about that. There are something like 410,000 children in the foster care system right now in the U.S. So, clearly, they’re not all being adopted. And some of these babies will have obviously physical disabilities. I mean, what is the plan? Obviously, they’re not just all being taken care of currently.(…)2:26:50 p.m. EasternANA NAVARRO: And I am not anybody to tell you what you need to do with your life or with your uterus. And because I have a family with a lot of special needs kids. I have a brother who’s 57 and has the mental and motor skills of a 1-year-old. And I know what that means financially, emotionally, physically, for a family.And I know not all families can do it and I have a step-granddaughter who was born with Down’s Syndrome and you know what? It is very difficult in Florida to get services. It is not as easy as it sounds on paper. And I’ve got another step-grandson who is very autistic, who has autism and it is –And their mothers and people who are in that society who are in that community will tell you that they considered suicide because that’s how difficult it is to get help, because that’s how lonely they feel. Because they can’t get other jobs. Because they have financial issues. Because the care that they’re able to give their other children suffers.And so, why can I be Catholic and still think this is a wrong decision? Because I’m American. I’m Catholic inside the church. I’m Catholic when it comes to me. But there’s a lot of Americans who are not Catholic, and are not Christian, and are not Baptist, and you have no damn right to tell them what they should do with their bodies. Nobody does.

Tags: Abortion, CNN, US Supreme Court