Called It 15 Years Ago – The Use of Race As A Political Weapon “Has Damaged Our Society In Ways We May Not Understand For Years”

This Thursday, June 23, I’m giving a lecture for the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal, titled “The Fight Against Critical Race Theory Is A Fight For National Survival”:

William A. Jacobson joins the Martin Center on Thursday, June 23rd for a talk about the ideology of critical race theory and how to curb its influence on higher education policy.

I’d invite you, but it’s already Sold Out. (You would have known about it in time to sign up if you subscribed to our newsletter, Morning Insurrection, which you can do here.)

So right now, I’m in panic mode. OMG, what am I going to talk about, I’ve never done this before! Talking in front of people is scary! Of course, for those of you who know me, I enjoy in-person appearances and I never lack for words (even though I am an introvert by nature), and I’m looking forward to it.

In preparing, I thought back to one of my first posts at Legal Insurrection. The then solo-blog launched on October 12, 2008. Just three days later, on October 15, 2008, I wrote “Race” As Political Weapon. It was the 4th post at Legal Insurrection; we now have over 45,000 published.

The post reflected my growing frustration with the media bias and manipulation that was the reason I created Legal Insurrection. I went through several examples of how Obama weaponize claims of racism to deflect from his own problems and to force John McCain not to touch the hotest issue of all, Obama’s deep and personal involvement with Jeremiah Wright.

Here’s the conclusion to the post:

There is nothing racist about criticizing Obama’s connection to Jeremiah Wright, a connection far deeper and more important than Obama’s connection to William Ayers. Jeremiah Wright represents the worst element of our society, a true George Wallace albeit of a different race. Wright represents the kind of racial politics which truly divide our nation, and Obama was knee deep in those politics before running for U.S. Senate. Obama and Wright were mutual enablers, and the relationship is fair game.But the race card has worked again. McCain is afraid to attack the Wright/Obama connection for fear of being called racist.It is the stifling of legitimate debate which is fueling anger throughout the country. We are on the verge of electing a president who built his political career on the backs of race-baiters and anti-american zealots, and we can’t talk about it out of fear of being called “racist.”The suppression of legitimate political expression through false accusations of racism by the Obama campaign and its supporters is the defining theme of the 2008 campaign. This tactic, while it may be successful, is shameful and has damaged our society in ways we may not understand for years.

Almost 15 years later, this remains the tactic but it goes far beyond political campaigns, and is entrenched in education at every level. It’s disgusting and it’s consuming the nation.

The use of race as a political weapon started long before anyone heard of Critical Race Theory or the misnamed “anti-racism” or “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” or whatever other terms are used to describe what remains the use of “Race” as a Politcal Weapon.

Tags: Blogging, College Insurrection, Critical Race Theory, Obama campaign, race card