As US Navy Targets Pronouns, China Launches its Most Advanced Carrier

LI 102 Navy Pronouns

The US Navy continues to implement the Biden administration’s most critical priorities.

For example, our naval personnel will now receive mind-numbingly inane lessons on gender identity pronouns.

Footage from a Navy instructional video on how to use the “right” pronouns went viral Monday.”Using the right pronouns is a simple way to affirm someone’s identity,” Jony Rozon, an engineer with the Naval Undersea Warfare Center, says in footage of the video posted online.”It is a signal of acceptance and respect,” he continues.It is critical to use acceptance and respect to forge a safe space for everybody, according to the training video.Inclusive language is crucial for doing just that, the video explains.

That video should do a lot to…squash the number of potential naval recruits seeking to join in the wake of Top Gun: Maverick. Could you envision Maverick asking Iceman what pronoun to use?

As if the video isn’t disturbing enough, there are reports that the US Navy has dismissed five commanding officers in less than one week.

Cmdr. Peter Lesaca, commanding officer of USS Preble guided-missile destroyer, was relieved from his duties ‘due to loss of confidence in his ability to command,’ according to a Navy statement released on Tuesday.’Navy commanding officers are held to high standards of personal and professional conduct,’ the Navy said. ‘They are expected to uphold the highest standards of responsibility, reliability and leadership, and the Navy holds them accountable when they fall short of these standards.’Lesaca is the the latest dismissal within span of just six days and the Navy has not provided additional details as to why he or the other officers were fired.One of the commanding officers, who was fired on June 8, was reportedly relieved due to inappropriate behavior.

Meanwhile, China recently launched its third and most advanced aircraft carrier.

The ship, named Fujian after the Chinese province that sits across from Taiwan, is the navy’s most modern and resembles the latest American carrier, the Gerald R. Ford. Though the launch was widely expected, it comes amid heightened tensions in the South China Sea and days after China’s defense minister, Gen. Wei Fenghe, warned it would not back down from war with Taiwan if Taiwan took steps toward independence.“The launch is a major milestone for the People’s Liberation Army,” said Drew Thompson, a former Pentagon official responsible for China, adding that it reflected “China’s long-term ambitions to project power militarily and compete directly against the United States.”Chinese state media on Friday showed naval officers watching as fireworks were set off and confetti was released alongside the carrier in the Jiangnan Shipyard near Shanghai. Red banners carrying slogans about fulfilling the party’s goal of building a modern navy and a strong army were draped across the carrier’s deck.

I hope that the US Navy can be salvaged when the Biden administration comes to an end.

Tags: LGBT, Military