14 Republicans Vote ‘Yes’ to Advance Gun Legislation

Ladies and gentlemen, do not ever forget that these 14 senates voted yes during the initial vote for a gun deal led by TEXAS Senator John Cornyn.

It’s just a vote to advance the gun legislation bill but still. These 14 Senators betrayed their oath to uphold the Constitution.

The Second Amendment is clear as day. It’s time to buy more guns and ammo.

Cowards. They only had an hour to read the 80-page bill before voting.

Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt
North Carolina Sen. Richard Burr
West Virginia Sen. Shelley Moore Capito
Louisiana Sen. Bill Cassidy
Maine Sen. Susan Collins
Iowa Sen. Joni Ernst
South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham
Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell
Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski
Ohio Sen. Rob Portman
Utah Sen. Mitt Romney
North Carolina Sen. Thom Tillis
Indiana Sen. Todd Young

Republican Sens. Pat Toomey (PA) and Kevin Cramer (ND) did not vote.

Will all these Republicans vote for the bill in the final vote? I want to say no. Boy oh boy do I want to say no.

But I bet the majority will vote.

This is a disgusting thread and more proof that politicians don’t give a damn about you and me and the Constitution.

Me, a ginger, has more of a soul than Cornyn. I am seething right now. If Cornyn asked me this question I would have unloaded my Yankee ways on him. No nice Southern lady for this man.

Sen. Sinema, I like you, but for the love of everything in this world do not ever rush anyone to read a bill no matter how long it is.

My God:

“Our legislation will save lives and will not infringe on any law-abiding American’s Second Amendment rights. We look forward to earning broad, bipartisan support and passing our common-sense legislation into law,” Sens. Chris Murphy (D., Conn.), John Cornyn (R, Texas), Kyrsten Sinema (D., Ariz.), and Thom Tillis (R., N.C.) said in a statement Tuesday evening.

Um, the Second Amendment doesn’t have a “but” or “except for” in it. The bill will allow the removal of firearms if a person is determined a danger to him/herself or others. It would also “prohibit dating partners or recent dating partners convicted of domestic violence from purchasing a firearm.”

But you can have your rights back “if 5 years have elapsed from the later of the judgment of conviction or the completion of the person’s custodial or supervisory sentence” or if you haven’t been convicted again.

A requirement for purchases for people between 18-and 21-year old gun purchasers. They need to review your juvenile and mental health records.

So in order for a LEGAL ADULT to purchase a gun, they have to consent for the government to look at their mental health records. It can take up to 10 days if the government finds “areas of concern.”

So who gets to decide on the mental health aspect?

Do not ever use “mental health.” It’s a slippery slope! I have depression and anxiety. I’ve never ever had thoughts or even blips of thoughts of harming myself or anyone else. But we can see how a doctor could fudge someone’s record or lie about a patient to make sure they don’t get any guns.

The Second Amendment doesn’t say a person has the right bears arms except if they’re convicted of domestic violence or deemed a danger to themselves or others. I don’t care what the courts have said. The Second Amendment states, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Shall not be infringed. No “but” or “except for.”

Here is the 80-page bill.

Bipartisan Safer Communities Act Text by Mary Elizabeth on Scribd

Tags: 2nd Amendment, Gun Control, Republicans, US Senate