Trudeau Wants a ‘National Freeze on Handgun Ownership’

The same man who wore blackface a few times and froze bank accounts and wanted to invoke the Emergencies Act because he hated your politics now wants your guns.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau just gave Canadians a double middle finger. This is fascism. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you fascism.

The dude is a holier-than-thou disgusting fascist pig who doesn’t give a crap about anyone but himself. This guy probably has never held a gun.

Trudeau wants to freeze handgun ownership. He also wants a buy-back program for assault rifles. Um, assault rifles don’t exist so…that point is moot.

This man’s life is protected by guns 24/7.

This guy doesn’t go anywhere without his armed security. That armed security carries handguns and those scary assaulty weapons! I bet his family and residence have those same armed security officers.

When someone tells you this then you know you need that gun: “We recognize that the vast majority of gun owners use them safely and in accordance with the law, but other than using firearms for sport shooting and hunting, there is no reason anyone in Canada should need guns in their everyday lives.”

Again, says the man who is protected by guns 24/7.

Thank GOD we have our Constitution. The left might live on Fantasy Island but the majority of Americans constantly ignored give a damn about our natural rights spelled out in the Bill of Rights.

I don’t know if the legislation will go through the Canadian government. Trudeau is just screaming for attention. He revoked the emergencies act after the Senate showed signs of disapproval.

The press conference is just as virtu signaling as the stupid legislation. Everyone wearing a mask and social distancing. I bet they’re all off to their lavish party to celebrate stripping Canadians of their natural rights while men with guns protect them.


Tags: Canada, Fascism, Gun Control, Justin Trudeau