Pro-Choice Caucus: It’s ‘Harmful’ to Call Abortion a ‘Choice’

Thank you, Pro-Choice Caucus, for admitting what we already knew. You guys don’t want women to have a choice. It’s all about infanticide for you.

Pro-Infanticide Caucus. I mean, the caucus LITERALLY admitted its name is harmful.

Yes, the Pro-Choice Caucus sent House Democrats a list of words they should use in a bill to codify Roe v. Wade.

Holy. Moly. They even want the Democrats to stop saying they want to reduce abortion and keep it “safe, legal, and rare.”

Unwanted to unexpected? Those don’t mean the same thing. Plenty of women have unexpected pregnancies but want the baby. You have an abortion because the pregnancy is “unwanted” even if the pregnancy is planned or unplanned. But we know the left loves to change definitions, too.

You also cannot use “criminalizing healthcare” when it comes to abortion because abortion is not healthcare. Abortion ends the life of an unborn human being.

They’re going all in, aren’t they? I guess they shouldn’t bother hiding their true intentions since we already know they want the woman to have an abortion.

The reactions. This man has a great response:

He is correct.

Here are a few more.

Tags: Abortion, US House