NBC Poll: 75% Say Country On Wrong Track; Biden Approval At 39%

NBC News has released a new poll that contains nothing but bad news for Democrats, though they are clinging to the finding that more Americans are counting abortion as a top concern and apparently hope that returning the issue to the states will galvanize an increasingly unhappy American people to vote for more inflation, more failed energy policies, more of the Biden Democrats’ America Last agenda. I’m not sure that’s a solid position for the Democrats.

As you can imagine, this poll finding has upset and frightened partisan infotainment purveyors like NBC’s Chuck Todd.

Via Yahoo News:

In a segment of NBC’s Meet the Press Sunday, host Chuck Todd warned of a disaster looming for Democrats in the 2022 midterm elections. His comments came in light of a new poll from the network indicating that three-quarters of Americans believe the country is headed down the wrong path.“Voters views about the economy begin to harden in an election year around May. If that theory holds, Democrats are in some serious trouble right now because in our new NBC News poll, just 16 percent say the country is headed in the right direction while a whopping 75 percent say we’re on the wrong track,” he said. “In fact, that number has been 70 plus for the last seven months, which in the past has signaled big losses for the governing party.”President Biden’s approval rating continues to sink amid ongoing inflation and supply-chain crises, a baby-formula shortage, conflict in Ukraine, still frequent migrant surges across the southern border, and other major problems. Only 39 percent of U.S. adults and 42 percent of registered voters approve of Biden’s performance almost two years into his presidency, according to the NBC News survey. Disapproval with Biden’s job conduct is 56 percent among adults and 54 percent among registered voters.“President Biden’s numbers have hit a new low. Only 39 percent approve of his job performance against 56 percent who disapprove. In fact, the president has become as unpopular as Donald Trump in this poll,” Todd added.

To understand the immense weight of Todd’s last statement and the amazement he seems to experience just uttering the words, remember that Democrats, their media lapdogs, Big Tech, and the FBI/CIA spent four years relentlessly hounding President Trump. Hammering the president daily with false accusations and ongoing witch hunts that culminated in two impeachments by the House. Despite their efforts and the doubt and lies they spread as their gospel, however, President Trump enjoyed a surprisingly high approval rating.

The “walls are closing in” stuff never went anywhere. Indeed, President Trump won 10 million more votes in 2020 than he had won in 2016. Given the coordinated efforts to undermine him at every turn, that is truly remarkable.

By contrast, Biden is said to have won 81 million votes, far outstripping the much more popular Obama, and floated into office with the media breathlessly declaring him the president who would join the vaunted ranks of FDR, JFK, and LBJ.

Biden has enjoyed a swooningly friendly press, Big Tech censorship in his favor, and countless fluff pieces about his favorite ice cream and foods, while the “fact checkers” run endless cover for his numerous lies, gaffes, scandals, and assorted oddness. So naturally Todd is flabbergasted that the American people are looking at the America Last Biden administration’s  myriad failures across every area of domestic policy and giving him—and his party—a gigantic thumbs down.

Tags: 2022 Elections, Biden Administration, Democrats, Polling