Gubernatorial Candidate Stacey Abrams’ Pitch To Voters: “Georgia Is The Worst State In The Country”

Something that always amazes me about Democrats, and the radical left more generally, is that they openly loathe everything about America and insist that they won’t rest until it has been “fundamentally transformed.”

They hate our freedoms, they hate our capitalist/free market system (what’s left of it), they hate half the country (the gun- and Bible-clinging deplorables), they hate our systems (deeming them irredeemably racist, irrevocably riddled with white supremacy or privilege or whatever), they hate the flag, they hate our Constitution and the system of government it established, they hate our founders, they hate . . . well, everything that is right and good about America, up to and including American exceptionalism.

They haven’t explicitly run on that deep, abiding loathing for our country and her people, but it’s always there, in everything they say and do on the campaign trail.  America is rotten, evil, stuffed to the gills with deplorable people doing and thinking deplorable things. It must be “fundamentally transformed” with extensive laundry lists of “big, bold plans” that will remake the economy, the government, the Constitution, every last thing, right down to what we can think, say, and do.

Well, Democrat candidate for the governor of Georgia is taking a new approach.  Stacey Abrams thinks Georgia is the worst state in the country in which to live, and she wants you to know it.

‘Vote for me, I hate this state!’  There’s a bumper sticker for you.

Needless to say, people have thoughts.

Apparently, Abrams followed this up with the following tweet:

It’s not at all clear what she’ll do to fix all those problems, though, except “lead,” which apparently means gun-grabbing.

And diversity, inclusion, and equity.  Lots of it.

I’m not sure Georgia is going to go for someone who not only hates their state but thinks that gun-grabbing, throwing their tax dollars at random woke “solutions,” and more racist anti-racist DIE garbage is a winning campaign message.

Tags: 2022 Elections, Georgia, Stacey Abrams