GOP, Manchin Vote No to Advance the Far-Left Radical Abortion Bill to Debate

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s far-left radical abortion bill titled The Women’s Health Protection Act did not get the 60 votes needed to advance to debate.

Important distinction: This vote was only to bring the bill to debate. Chad explains in a thread.

The bill is disgusting and goes against everything the supposed pro-choice crowd claims they support: abortion available through all nine months, kids don’t need parent or guardian notification, and no 24-hour waiting period.

So much for rare and safe. Read this entire thread. It’s long but worth it:

Schumer wanted the senators to show everyone where they stand on abortion.

The Democrats, except for pro-life Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), showed us that they’re okay with infanticide. They could not even bring in pro-choice Republicans Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski.

Thanks, guys!

Manchin refused to vote for it because it went “far beyond codifying the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision.”

“It is an expansion,” stated Manchin.

This might even affect the Democrats in November because Americans are concerned about inflation. Also, a lot of people who are pro-choice are not radical about it. The loudmouths get all the attention because they’re, well, loud.

So the radical bill might even push aside the independent voters and right-leaning Democrats like Manchin.

Good job, Democrats.

Tags: Abortion, US Senate