Essay: How Jewish Support for ‘Anti-Racism’ Empowered Anti-Semitism

This is a very interesting point of view, on a topic which is becoming more serious all the time.

Jonathan S. Tobin writes at the Jewish News Syndicate:

How Jewish support for ‘anti-racism’ empowered anti-SemitismDid the murder of George Floyd by a Minneapolis policeman on May 25, 2020, awaken America to its sordid racial past and the need to correct present injustices? Or did the events of the summer of 2020 do more harm than good, both to racial minorities and society in general? In the days, weeks and months after Floyd’s fatal encounter with the police in Minneapolis, few were willing to raise questions about the surge of interest in addressing what some insisted was evidence of the systemic racism that was allegedly the primary characteristic of American society.American Jews and their leading organizations were very much part of this. They were, for the most part, eager to lend their voices to the chorus of those calling for addressing the problem of racism and to engage in soul-searching about the community’s alleged failure to confront prejudice in its own institutions. Major groups like the Jewish Council for Public Affairs and the Anti-Defamation League, as well as some of the major religious denominations, were also willing to lend support to a Black Lives Matter movement that had gone mainstream after spending its first years as a marginalized radical force.Two years after Floyd’s death, no decent person would dispute that racism is real and does genuine harm. But to acknowledge the truth about America’s past and the persistence of prejudice should not be confused with the question of whether the charge of systemic racism is fair or whether the BLM movement is a positive force. The moral panic that the murder of Floyd set off has empowered radicals who have made American cities less safe and introduced toxic illiberal ideas into public schools about critical race theory and intersectionality that have made society more, rather than less, racist.

Read the whole thing.

Tags: Antisemitism, BDS, College Insurrection