Dog-Walker Discovers Box of Mail-In Ballots on East Hollywood Sidewalk

The Los Angeles County Registrar’s Office and the U.S. Postal Service are investigating over 100 unopened mail-in ballots found in a box on a sidewalk in East Hollywood over the weekend.

The ballots were found by Christina Repaci, who was walking her dog Saturday evening.”I turned the corner and I just saw this box of envelopes, and it was a USPS box. I picked some envelopes up and I saw they were ballots,” said Repaci.Repaci said she took them home for safekeeping while trying to figure out what to do next. She sent videos of the ballots to popular social media accounts to share the content and ask for guidance on next steps. Repaci said she called several politicians and the LA County Sheriff’s Department.”I actually called the Sheriff’s Department. I couldn’t get through, so I emailed them,” she said. “I got an email back from a deputy basically in so many words saying it wasn’t their problem, and to contact the USPS.”

California is revving up for its primary election, slated for June 7th.  The initial investigation indicates that this is a case of simple theft as opposed to election tampering.

“Early signs indicate that this was an incident of mail theft and not a directed attempt at disrupting the election.”Christina says she’s grateful an investigation is underway. And that 104 voters whose ballots were dumped miles from their destinations won’t miss out on their precious right.”It’s a privilege to vote in any country,” she said. “As a woman I know that we didn’t have rights many years ago. I take that very seriously.”The California Secretary of State says all registered voters should receive a ballot in the mail by the end of this week.

Given the amount of theft resulting from soft-on-crime policies, especially in the Los Angeles County area, mail theft is certainly a reasonable explanation.  However, this discovery does not instill any confidence in California election integrity.

Interestingly, over 20 candidates officially on the ballot are vying for a chance to be California governor in a challenge to Gavin Newsom. One of the most intriguing candidates listed in the Official Voter Information Guide and running as a write-in candidate is Mariana Dawson.

In a candidate voter guide published by the California Secretary of State, Dawson’s image is accompanied by a pithy three-word statement: “F all politicians.” Dawson is running without a party preference….Dawson’s website described herself as “a self-made woman of mixed heritage—half Creole, half Salvadorian—who has worked across a full spectrum of California jobs.””I have no political resume or affiliations,” she wrote. “I have lived in the city, and in a rural community. I am not a millionaire. I value success and successful people, but do not support corporate monopolies.​”I am one Californian ready to take a stand and work toward solutions that are doable and that prioritize harmony of life for everyday people in our state,” she added. “Winning means real help is coming. And losing will only make me fight harder for my economic existence, and my ability to stay in the state I love.”Her platform touched on issues that extend across the entire political-ideological spectrum, including being pro-law enforcement, pro-self defense, pro-gun rights restoration and reinstating the death penalty.She said she is against Critical Race Theory, wants to break up monopolies, and wants to “find a cure” for fentanyl addiction.

Her simple statement has garnered a great deal of interest.

I would hazard to guess no other candidate will generate nearly as much buzz!

So, at this point, I project another November in which a big, red wave rolls washes over every place but California.

Tags: 2022 Elections, California