Imagine this event with any other race being the focus. People would lose their minds.
The Washington Examiner reports:
Conservative youth club slams University of South Carolina over ‘White Student Accountability Group’ meetingA meeting of the “White Student Accountability Group” at the University of South Carolina elicited the ire of a conservative youth group.A university representative insisted the meeting was not sponsored by the College of Social Work but rather was a student project. However, students from the College of Social Work were invited to attend the event on April 26, according to an email obtained by Turning Point USA.”The Accountability Group was part of a student’s project and was not part of an officially sponsored College of Social Work activity,” the spokesperson told Fox News. “The meeting was open to everyone and was strictly voluntarily.”The purpose of the event was to “help social work students recognize both their contribution to and responsibility to dismantle racism in our practice,” as well as helping to encourage students to use their “voice, power, and privilege” to address racism and to “support students in developing skills” that will allow them to host similar groups with their peers and colleagues, according to the description.