Chuck Schumer Blocks Senate Republicans’ School Safety Bill Named After Parkland Victims
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Chuck Schumer Blocks Senate Republicans’ School Safety Bill Named After Parkland Victims

Chuck Schumer Blocks Senate Republicans’ School Safety Bill Named After Parkland Victims

“We need real solutions—We will vote on gun legislation starting with the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act.”

After the shooting at a school in Uvalde, Texas this week, Republicans in the Senate advanced a school safety bill, named the Luke and Alex Safety Act after Parkland victims, which was promptly blocked by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY).

It’s almost like Schumer doesn’t really want solutions.

Jessica Chasmar reports at FOX News:

Schumer blocks Senate GOP school safety bill, angering Republicans

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., on Wednesday blocked a school safety bill that has Republicans crying foul.

After the horrific mass shooting at a Uvalde, Texas, elementary school that killed 19 children and two teachers, Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wisc., asked for the Luke and Alex School Safety Act to be passed by unanimous consent.

The bill, named after Parkland, Florida, shooting victims Luke Hoyer and Alex Schachter, would require the Department of Homeland Security to establish a “Federal Clearinghouse on School Safety Best Practices” for use by state and local educational and law-enforcement agencies, institutions of higher education, health professionals, and the public. And it would require DHS to “collect clearinghouse data analytics, user feedback on the implementation of best practices and recommendations identified by the clearinghouse, and any evaluations conducted on these best practices and recommendations.”

The clearinghouse, which is already available at, would be codified into law with the bill’s passage.

Schumer objected to Johnson’s request, claiming on Twitter that the bill “could see more guns in schools.”

“The truth: There were officers at the school in Texas,” Schumer tweeted. “The shooter got past them. We need real solutions—We will vote on gun legislation starting with the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act.”

That last part gives away Schumer’s game. He doesn’t want solutions. What he wants is an issue that Democrats can run on and the only acceptable outcome is more gun control.

Ron Johnson of Wisconsin called him out:

As did Senator Rick Scott of Florida:

It seems to me that Schumer doesn’t really give a damn about these kids or any other real victims. Notice how he chokes up talking about the kids who were shot this week but doesn’t forget to include the lame “MAGA Republicans” talking point. This is all just about politics and power.

From CNS News:

Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) used the deadly Uvalde, Texas shooting to repeatedly vilify Make-America-Great-Again (“MAGA”) Republicans, in a Senate speech pitching his “Domestic Terrorism Protection Act” on Thursday.

“No amount of bloodshed seems to be enough for MAGA Republicans,” Schumer said, adding that Americans are sick of hearing “the same string of hollow words from the MAGA Republicans that never lead to action.”

“MAGA Republicans don’t want to get the results,” Schumer claimed.

Gun ownership is up across the country because of “defund the police” and other incredibly stupid Democrat policies like bail reform. Schumer and other Democrats need to be told that more gun control is not an option.


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It’s good to see Republicans publicly referring to democrats as “liars”. Now, bring on “race baiters”.

The whole story behind this move by Schumer is that he has cut another deal with McConnell to work out a bipartisan “solution”. He has tasked Cornyn to work with Sinema on it. The Uniparty in its full glory. “Blocking senate Republicans’ school safety bill” misses the real story.

Stop giving these Republican weasels credit. They are every bit as much the problem as are the Democrats. It takes two parties to create the illusion that there is a real fight going on in Congress. The real fight is the war our government is waging against the citizens.

    Exiliado in reply to Pasadena Phil. | May 27, 2022 at 10:13 am

    The worst time to pass any legislation dealing with school shootings is right after one occurred, because that means riding the still fresh emotional wave for political gain.
    Real solutions come from intelligent debate, not from emotions.
    Democrat or Republican, if they are going after emotional decisions, they are probably just trying to take political advantage, not really solving the problem.

      They keep pulling out the same hammers to hit the same nails. They have already solved the problem in their heads. If only citizens would just get out of the way with their obsession with constitutional rights, one of these hammers would finally hit a nail. Meanwhile, the hammer fight will continue and all we can do is stand by and watch these corrupt fools.

    McConnell’s only loyalty is the Communist China and the swamp. One day, perhaps every Republican will finally get that.

    Othniel in reply to Pasadena Phil. | May 27, 2022 at 2:58 pm

    Call out the dems on this, Republicans. Run ads.

    diver64 in reply to Pasadena Phil. | May 28, 2022 at 7:39 am

    The real fight in DC is who of the Uniparty is going to get the biggest slice of the corruption.

His act, of course, does nothing as to gun legislation, or even the borad spectrum of “domestic terrorism.” It’s solely a “white supremacy” terrorism bill, so Schumer’s foot soldiers would have nothing to fear.

The GOP bill at least addressed the problem.

It also only got 47 votes yesterday and didn’t meet cloture.

The d/prog followed their impulsive playbook; jump to conclusions without waiting on the facts seeking to maximize the emotions of a horrific evil and use it as a lever to enact their agenda. Too many people are paying attention and understand exactly what the d/prog are attempting. The facts in Uvalde don’t come close to supporting their policy preferences.

1. Info about the mental health of the shooter is trickling out with more to follow in the coming days. Loner, likely bullied, withdrawn, self harm, escalating violence; fired Pellet gun at random people, killed animals for no reason, odd social media posts. That’s a few things with mtf. I suspect many warning signs were present but ignored which allowed him to pass a background check and legally purchase. Time will tell.

2. No security or resource officer present. Outer doors unlocked. Classroom doors unlocked. The guy walked in unopposed by passive or active measures. In fact the security posture at the school seemed to ignore all the lessons of Columbine and Parkland.

3. Shooter was outside the school for ten to twelve minutes firing off rounds before entry. No armed resistance from anyone, LEO or otherwise.

4. Enters building and begins carnage. Four minutes later two officers enter but retreat from gunfire. Carnage continues.

5. More LEO arrive responding to an an all LEO call. No organized entry until BORTAC, broader patrol tactical (SWAT) arrives. Appropriately an hour after entry LEO reenter, engage and kill the shooter.

That’s what seem to be the known elements as of this morning. This was a failure on multiple levels.
1. Community failed by allowing a kid to become so isolated and vengeful without any intervention and by ignoring the warning signs of a troubled, violent person.
2. School failed to apply any lessons on passive measures to prevent or slow an active shooter. Outer and inner doors unsecured. No active response to oppose shooter.
3. Local LEO response time seems incredibly slow, 16 minutes to reports of a man firing rounds in/around the elementary school is not acceptable.
4. Local LEO failed to follow the clear lessons of prior school shootings. The shooter is there to kill not to take hostages. Quickly engaging and wounding/killing the shooter is the only thing that ends the carnage.

As more information flows out and people realize how badly this failure of our institutions was they are becoming enraged. The d/prog are likely to not only fail to get their policies enacted (baring a catastrophic display of rino weaseldom) but to pay a heavy price at the polls.

    Barry in reply to CommoChief. | May 27, 2022 at 10:00 am

    The two big failures:
    1. Allowing bullies in the schools. The evil bastard was likely bullied unmercifully while the school stood back and did nothing. It was happening 50 years ago, and it’s worse now.
    2. Police are a failure. Get rid of them. It’s a big scam.

      CommoChief in reply to Barry. | May 27, 2022 at 10:16 am


      LEO failed, there doesn’t seem to be any question on that aspect. Heads need to roll.

      Bullying is way worse now. There’s no escape with social media. In person ostracism at school followed by on line harassment 24/7. Couple that with the availability of harmful content online and kids face unrelenting pressure. Parents, educators and the communities have to stop looking the other way and allowing while telling themselves that ‘well that’s how kids grow emotionally and learn to deal with life’. Adults who are emotionally and psychologically mature can handle life. Hormone infused teens and kids don’t hold up very well.

      IMO, the larger failure is on the school. Lock the outer doors and the shooter can’t just walk in. Lock the classroom doors and he can’t access the children. Passive and relatively cheap measures that the school board, the administration failed to take. Both would have at a minimum slowed the attack or perhaps foiled the attack. No excuse.

        drednicolson in reply to CommoChief. | May 27, 2022 at 10:33 am

        Most anti-bullying measures adopted by schools can be twisted by the more insidious bullies to further torment their targets. Passive-aggressively goading their marks into acting out. “Cry-bullying” by being the first to complain. Wounded gazelle gambits. There’s much more to bullying that extorting lunch money from the smallest kid.

          CommoChief in reply to drednicolson. | May 27, 2022 at 10:53 am

          And educators do CE annually so train them in recognition of the difference. Frankly it doesn’t seem hard. If kid A isn’t a member of the cool kids and and kid B, the jock or homecoming queen, is accusing kid A of bullying then something is off.

          Educators pretending it isn’t a reversal of the norm or worse reflexively aligning with the cool kids worsen the problem. The bullied kid comes to believe the adults are choosing to back the true aggressor. That’s a big part of why they become so forlorn and fatalistic; ultimately it reinforces that no one gives a crap about them. In their despair they seek to exercise some level of control and violent retribution v an uncaring society is the path.

        healthguyfsu in reply to CommoChief. | May 27, 2022 at 2:27 pm

        It’s tougher than you think. This isn’t even the main point of the job, which is to educate and there are always gray areas that aren’t as obvious as your very simplistic scenario.

        If you hire more officials specifically to handle these issues, then that’s one thing. However, that’s another form of administrative bloat.

        If individuals have repeated problems, they should be separated (aka relocated) IMO. That’s the most effective way to handle this, but it’s not without side effects. Yes, it may punish the “innocent” but rarely is one side 100% innocent.

          CommoChief in reply to healthguyfsu. | May 27, 2022 at 4:42 pm

          Every school has cliques. Most kids find one to belong in, sometimes more than one. A few are sometimes labeled as weirdos and rejected by all the cliques; they are the classic ostracized outsider/loners.

          It doesn’t require special training to be willing to see what is happening and which kids are on the fringe. It’s a simple choice of observation or willful blindness.

          That doesn’t make it easy. No far from it, choosing to see means one is aware of a kid potentially in crises. Now the person has a another choice; intervene and refer the kid for professional therapy or close their eyes and do nothing.

          All too often teachers and administration choose to look the other way. Maybe there aren’t school resources, maybe the community doesn’t have counselors, maybe anything they try wouldn’t work. Besides the adults have their own issues and it’s Friday and they resolve to get involved next week but one thing and another and no one acts to help the kid get psychological help.

      Peabody in reply to Barry. | May 27, 2022 at 12:20 pm

      He wasn’t bullied by these little kids whom he shot and killed. If it was angry as a result of being bullied he would’ve shot up his high school.

        CommoChief in reply to Peabody. | May 27, 2022 at 1:04 pm

        Bullying and ostracism played a role in shooters lack of socialization and mal adjusted psyche.

          Peabody in reply to CommoChief. | May 27, 2022 at 3:21 pm

          We don’t know if he lacked socialization. On the contrary, coming from Mexican ancestry, I’ll bet he had plenty. As to bullying and ostracism, they have always existed and always will. So if that’s the cause, then there is no solution.

          But there is a silver lining. You will find it in the mother who ran into the school when everybody else was scared shitless. .

          CommoChief in reply to CommoChief. | May 27, 2022 at 4:52 pm

          Well socialized and adjusted people don’t commit mass murder. Murder a spouse in a crime of passion if they catch them having an affair? Sure. Murder a bunch of elementary school kids? No, that’s not a stable person who values the lives of others and themselves.

          Peabody in reply to CommoChief. | May 27, 2022 at 5:09 pm

          A student at Uvalde High School in Texas who says he knew Salvador Ramos rejected the prevailing media narrative that the gunman was the victim of bullying, and this was the catalyst for his May 24 mass shooting at Robb Elementary School.

          Ivan Arellano, a senior at Uvalde High School, told WFAA-TV in Dallas that Ramos “was not a good person” and had been a bully himself.

          Peabody in reply to CommoChief. | May 27, 2022 at 5:26 pm

          In reply to CommoChief

          “Well socialized and adjusted people don’t commit mass murder.”

          It is usually the person who appears to be well adjusted and socialized who surprises people whey they find out they actually weren’t.

          Psychaitrists and sociologists who are supposed to evaluate other people are themselves some of the most unbalanced and mentally unhealthy people in the world. Yet they have an air of authority and appear to be the epitome of a well adjusted and mentally balanced person—- which just goes to show that identifying which is which is not as easy as it seems.

          CommoChief in reply to CommoChief. | May 27, 2022 at 5:52 pm

          This shooter was said to:
          Be a HS dropout earning minimum wage at Wendy’s. Have harmed /killed small animals for fun, fired his pellet gun at people and cars for fun on multiple occasions. Those are not the actions of a well adjusted person.

          Then he shot his grandmother in the head. Not really helping your case that he is a normal kid lacking any mental issues.

          Then he went to an elementary school and killed 21 people. Not all at once but in separate rooms. One of which he stayed in for nearly an hour, listening to kids cry and whimper in pain, watching them as they bleed out.

          I am not seeing how this kid was well socialized and just a normal guy, you know the same as the ones who don’t become mass murderers.

          Kids that are bullied and ostracized feel powerless. They gain power by acting. This kid decided on a path of progressively worse actions to assert his power and to feel like he had some control in the world.

          Peabody in reply to CommoChief. | May 27, 2022 at 6:37 pm

          I don’t believe that using your above list will help identify the next school shooter.

          Peabody in reply to CommoChief. | May 27, 2022 at 6:50 pm

          And I will tell you something else. Just before the next school shooting, if you were to be given a dossier on every student in that particular school, you would not be able to identify the shooter ahead of time.

          CommoChief in reply to CommoChief. | May 27, 2022 at 9:31 pm

          Imagine a kid who feels the whole world is against him. Picked on until he becomes withdrawn and isolated. He is constantly rejected or simply ignored. He stops trying to belong because it seems no one wants him to belong. He believes he has no value.

          I was that kid from 5th through 7th grade. I was bullied in school. I was taunted and teased. I was bullied in boy scouts and at church camp. I was below average height, glasses and pudgy. I was a target. My parents told me to fight but on Sunday I was told to turn the other cheek. Very confusing to me.

          My home life wasn’t great. Dad was working 15 hour days while Mom was working nights and weekends at the hospital. Money was tight. I wore the same clothes for three years despite growing. My Mom cut my hair. Mom gave me a pair of her nursing shoes to wear because I couldn’t fit in mine despite the wear and no money to replace. My grandfather was my only companion, he was always there because my Parents were out working their ass off. Then he moved to Tennessee and I was alone, completely alone with my own despair.

          Luckily two things happened. I suddenly grew 6 inches taller and we moved. I had a chance to start over with an improved appearance in a new place. I wasn’t short, pudgy. I was now 5 10 and a trim 175. I rapidly grew into my new frame and wasn’t gawky.

          It all worked out. I was a varsity athlete, football and track. A good student. Dated cheerleaders. I sat at the cool kids table. I joined the Army went to college. Had a good career and a family.

          If we hadn’t moved and I hadn’t had been given a chance to start over maybe I could have ended up like one of these kids. Full of rage and resentment. Bitter and vengeful. Lost, alone and feeling powerless. That’s why I harp on mental health. It might, under slightly different circumstances in my life, have been me. I hope not and I doubt it but I am not foolish or arrogant enough to completely discount the possibility.

          There are other kids out there right now who desperately want to belong. Too often the other kids reject them or worse while the adults choose to ignore it. ‘Its a phase or the kid needs to toughen up or all things pass’. Sometimes things don’t get better.

          Peabody in reply to CommoChief. | May 27, 2022 at 10:25 pm

          That is a very inspiring story. Thank you for sharing it with me.

          Also agree with everything you said.

        amwick in reply to Peabody. | May 28, 2022 at 6:38 am

        Shock factor and celebrity.. That is why little kids are targets. Seems like he thought about that a long time.

      gonzotx in reply to Barry. | May 27, 2022 at 12:58 pm

      We have all been bullied, yet somehow We didn’t murder 19 children amd 2 adults
      Get real
      His family was a f-king nightmare, drug addled mother, father in prison

      No God, no family. It’s not society’s fault as much as the destruction of family and God on our lives .
      I’m sick of these “bullied” kids as an excuse.

        CommoChief in reply to gonzotx. | May 27, 2022 at 1:17 pm

        Not all not even most, but some do. Columbine, VA Tech, Parkland and almost certainly Uvalde. Every person has their own challenges, their own limits and ability to cope. Some are not blessed with intact and loving homes. Some don’t have a reliable support structure at home. They may lack any outside help from Religion, sports teams, clubs.

        As you note his home life wasn’t optimal, school may have been his last opportunity to become socialized. It’s not excusing him or others to point out that bullying and ostracism play a role in diving a few kids over their limits.

“The truth: There were officers at the school in Texas,” Schumer tweeted. “The shooter got past them.

Yes, that is the truth. So surely the answer is to have more of them, no? Isn’t that the way you think it works with gun control? We have these extreme measures, of dubious constitutionality, and yet shootings keep happening, so we need to double, triple, quadruple down, in the devout faith that more and more of it will finally be able to prevent them. So why shouldn’t the same be true with guns in schools? If one wasn’t enough then put in two, or three, or twenty, until it works. No?

    alaskabob in reply to Milhouse. | May 27, 2022 at 10:46 am

    Well….The shooter didn’t get past them…they weren’t there when he entered the unlocked school. They arrived after shooting started…. Another lie. Forget a house of cards…a house built of lies. A “Temple of Democracy” .

    Schumer only likes guns when they are pointed at you.

    henrybowman in reply to Milhouse. | May 27, 2022 at 11:47 pm

    I cannot understand all these downvotes. Milhouse is simply taking the stupid, failure-guaranteed arguments that gun-control Democrats make time after time about guns and turning those arguments back on them by applying them to security guards instead. I was inspired.

Russ from Winterset | May 27, 2022 at 12:07 pm

I saw an interview with a current senior at this school who knew the shooter. He stated that rather than being the victim of bullying, this idiot was constantly trying to bully others. In addition to being a bully, he alleged that the shooter had a long history of killing animals. Starting to look like another “known wolf”.

    CommoChief in reply to Russ from Winterset. | May 27, 2022 at 6:06 pm

    True. However, kids that are bullied and ostracized usually feel powerless that they are alone in the world. Some go further and view it as the world against them. Some of those begin small acts of violence and harm. Sometimes self harm, sometimes v small animals and vandalism.

    The worst of them progress into more violent acts. This escalates until someone recognizes they are off and gets them help. They do it because in those moments they for once feel like they, not the world, are in control. I suspect it becomes addictive and without intervention which is something many of these kids want (these acts are a form of a cry for help, a sign that the world gives a crap about them). If they don’t get any notice and an intervention then it confirms their view that the world doesn’t care about them and is in fact against them.

    I suspect the full story will show that this kid had lots of moments where other people saw but didn’t recognize what he was doing or the path he was on.

    None of that excuses in any way his actions. He’s a mass murder but he wasn’t always one and who knows if an intervention would have altered his path. At present we don’t know if any intervention efforts were even made.

Steven Brizel | May 27, 2022 at 12:10 pm

Once again ,Schumer shows his unwillingness and lack of leadership in not reaching across the aisle and achieving a bipartisan solution.

Real American | May 27, 2022 at 12:10 pm

The Democrats’ strategy is to

1. Disarm law-abiding citizens
2. Defund and defang the police
3. Keep violent criminals on the street

And they wonder why people want to buy more guns.

    Peabody in reply to Real American. | May 27, 2022 at 12:41 pm

    It’s too late now to take guns away from people. There are already way too many—about 400 million. It would not be possible to confiscate that many guns. Just the process of trying to do it, many of them would be stolen and or unaccounted for. It would be a nightmare of biblical proportions. What worked for Australia years ago will never work here.

    No one knows how many guns are in the hands of criminals and those are the guns that pose the greatest threat and are least likely to be turned in.

      Peabody in reply to Peabody. | May 27, 2022 at 12:51 pm

      By comparison Australia confiscated about 600k. whereas we have 400 mil

      It didn’t work in Australia. There was a report cited last week by Dan Bongino that revealed that there are now more guns in Australia than before the gun confiscation took place. That is why crime went down. Australians are more heavily armed than ever.

Don’t worry.

Bitch McConnell has already announced he’s willing to work on ‘bipartisan’ gun control bullshit.

    Peabody in reply to Olinser. | May 27, 2022 at 3:36 pm

    You can’t just knee jerk and come up with a solution off the top your head. There is not just one cause to this problem. And the solution is not passing laws to control something. Regardless of how many laws you pass, there is no law that will stop the killing.

    If you have killers who want to kill, you will have to do more than take away a particular weapon because they will just find another weapon. You will first have to find out why they want to kill.

    Paddy M in reply to Olinser. | May 27, 2022 at 10:20 pm

    Yup. I knew Mitch the Bitch would wave the white flag per usual. Danny, come tell us how awesome Mitch is again.