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Biden Admin Offers Vague Condemnation Against Protests at SCOTUS Houses, Pro-Life Center

Biden Admin Offers Vague Condemnation Against Protests at SCOTUS Houses, Pro-Life Center

Generic statement: “President Biden strongly condemns this attack and political violence of any stripe.”

Our devout Catholic President Joe Biden condemned those who protested outside the homes of Justices Kavanaugh and Roberts and those who threw Molotov cocktails at a pro-life center in Madison, WI.

The pro-infanticide crowd has gone crazy since someone leaked a draft of Justice Samuel Alito’s opinion overturning Roe v. Wade. The administration refused to call them off during Friday’s press conference.

It’s also precious when the media call us “anti-abortion” and the other side “pro-choice.”

But I haven’t read anything from Biden about the protests and vandalism at Catholic churches. From The Hill:

“President Biden strongly condemns this attack and political violence of any stripe. The President has made clear throughout his time in public life that Americans have the fundamental right to express themselves under the Constitution, whatever their point of view,” a White House official told The Hill.

“But that expression must be peaceful and free of violence, vandalism, or attempts to intimidate,” the office added.

Psaki tweeted out a statement. The left went scorch earth on her.

Biden never mentioned the Catholic churches vandalized since the leak. Churchgoers over the weekend, mainly Saturday, faced screaming fanatics as they tried to attend Mass. How about the radical group telling us to stuff ourselves with our Rosaries and threatening to burn the Eucharist?

Someone vandalized the Wisconsin Family Action’s Madison office. They threw Molotov cocktails into the office and littered the walls with graffiti.

But that is not the only office vandalized. A man posted a picture of a clinic his wife works at in Denton, TX. The clinic is an emergency pregnancy clinic that helps mothers during and after pregnancy.

So much for “pro-choice,” right?!


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In the future, when a time machine has been invented, they can take all the people who believe in abortion and send them back to their mother’s womb to be aborted.

Jack Klompus | May 9, 2022 at 1:26 pm

These lefty activists are a very angry, soulless, lost group of fools. That said I do hope one of them gets caught in the act pulling this nonsense and gets beaten very very badly.

    chrisboltssr in reply to Jack Klompus. | May 9, 2022 at 2:51 pm

    Give em the “Some sorry Leftist bum rushed Dave Chapelle and missed, then immediately got caught by his security guards, got curb stomped and had his ripped put of should so bad it was inverted” treatment eh? I’m all for it.

texansamurai | May 9, 2022 at 1:40 pm

when you come to a person’s home in anger, you pose an implied threat to their family and loved ones–when you show up with molotovs, etc there’s no longer any “implied” threat to consider–you’re taking your own life in your hands–if the progs/leftists/whatever want to play for those sort of stakes, then they’d best be prepared to die for it as that’s likely going to be the outcome

Democrat activists are rarely condemned by elected Democrats.

They should identify which prosecutor promised the mob they wouldn’t be prosecuted for violating federal law and make an example of that scumbag lawyer.

nordic_prince | May 9, 2022 at 4:08 pm

“Proper, civilized way to engage in mass violence”…?

These people are nucking futz.

AnAdultInDiapers | May 9, 2022 at 4:15 pm

Ok Mary, you’re not anti-abortion, you’re anti-choice.

Happier now?

I’m still pro-abortion. I’m not pro-choice. I do however accept that others have bodily autonomy and refuse to impose my wishes on them.

If only the pro and anti-choice crowds could be as mature.

    healthguyfsu in reply to AnAdultInDiapers. | May 9, 2022 at 4:23 pm

    Play semantics with words….that’s the left’s favorite pastime.

      Peabody in reply to healthguyfsu. | May 9, 2022 at 5:15 pm

      You are 100% correct.

      AnAdultInDiapers in reply to healthguyfsu. | May 10, 2022 at 3:45 am

      Well, I was just responding to a specific comment in the article, but since you went there:

      Pro-choice is not semantics. It’s accurate, and for many ‘pro choice’ people far more accurate than ‘pro abortion’. They’re not advocating abortion, they’re advocating having the choice.

      Something anti-abortionists reject. They don’t want people to have the choice, so they’re anti-choice. No semantic games necessary – everything means exactly what it appears to mean.

        “Pro-choice is not semantics. It’s accurate, and for many ‘pro choice’ people far more accurate than ‘pro abortion’. They’re not advocating abortion, they’re advocating having the choice.”

        The choice of …? Please define.

          AnAdultInDiapers in reply to alien. | May 10, 2022 at 2:07 pm

          Whether to carry to term or not.
          Whether to have a baby or not.
          Whether to incur two decades of obligations or not.

          Lots of choices.

    nordic_prince in reply to AnAdultInDiapers. | May 9, 2022 at 7:06 pm

    “pro-abortion” pro-murder


      AnAdultInDiapers in reply to nordic_prince. | May 10, 2022 at 3:47 am

      I reject your characterisation of abortion as murder. I also refuse to prosecute women who miscarry for manslaughter.

      I withhold comment on my post-natal murder position.

        Jack Klompus in reply to AnAdultInDiapers. | May 10, 2022 at 8:12 am

        I assure you nobody gives a shit what you think about that topic either, you pedantic, attention-whoring jackass.

        “They’re not advocating abortion, they’re advocating having the choice.”

        “Whether to carry to term or not.
        Whether to have a baby or not.”

        You mean, “Whether to have an abortion, or not.”

        — “Finally, we must stress what is being chosen when someone uses this slogan ― the killing of a defenseless and innocent unborn child. There is no “right to choose” something that is wrong. Racists cannot claim a “right to choose” oppressing minorities. Anti-Semites cannot claim a “right to choose” killing Jews. And, as society tells us, people who dislike homosexuals cannot say that they have a “right to choose” to physically assault them.” —

Waiting for law and order to be reinstated. Hopefully I won’t have to wait too long for equal justice under the law.

blacksburger | May 9, 2022 at 5:45 pm

AIUI there is a federal law against picketing the home of a Supreme Court justice. Is anyone doing anything to enforce this law?

    Finally, someone pointing out that this action is illegal. Judge Jeanine Pirro read from the statute on The Five today – up to a year in prison. Brandon and Garland are AWOL, as usual.

    Subotai Bahadur in reply to blacksburger. | May 9, 2022 at 10:44 pm

    No criminal law can be applied against any Leftist engaged in an illegal act against anyone the Left hates. That, functionally, is the new “shadow of the penumbra” of modern times.

    Subotai Bahadur

What? It became too obvious that the lunatic animals that support infanticide really have no place in a civilized society?

Steven Brizel | May 10, 2022 at 8:47 am

Biden’s statement is Orwellian-some people are entitled to be more passionate in exercising their First Amendment rights than others