WaPo Releases Statement Filled With Lies in Aftermath of Taylor Lorenz’s ‘Libs of TikTok’ Doxxing

Earlier this week, Washington Post “technology columnist/reporter” Taylor Lorenz wrote a story about the popular conservative “Libs of TikTok” Twitter account. The article doxxed the person behind the account, and Lorenz also harassed family members at their homes to try and obtain more information.

Lorenz researched the piece ostensibly because LoTT has become so influential that they harm the people whose TikTok videos they would repost to Twitter. The person allegedly caused some of them – namely the radical, woke public school “educators” who openly bragged of their indoctrination tactics on LGBTQ and CRT issues towards young children on the popular online video platform – to fear for their jobs and safety.

Understandably, the piece outraged fans of LoTT for several reasons. First, the person behind the account is a private citizen and doesn’t work for the government or special interest groups in any capacity, the latter of which is usually the primary basis for these types of articles. Further, the account’s sole function is to share already publicly available unedited TikTok clips of bat-crap crazy leftists doing their thing to shine a brighter spotlight on what these people promote in the name of “education.” This usually involves things liberals and their media allies love to declare “aren’t happening” in public schools.

Also, LoTT’s supporters were equally incensed over the fact that this was yet another example of Lorenz trying to have it both ways regarding her job responsibilities which, in a nutshell, involve the online harassment of social media users, some of who post anonymously out of fear of retribution from their employers and/or left-wing outrage mobs. Just two weeks ago, Lorenz did a tear-filled interview on MSNBC. She proclaimed she suffered “severe PTSD” and contemplated suicide because of the harassment she says she and family members and friends received online due to doing her job.

In response to the outcry over the article, Washington Post managing editor Cameron Barr issued a statement. He claimed, “[Libs of TikTok’s] identity had become public knowledge on social media. We did not publish or link to any details about her personal life”:

(Archived link to the tweet)

The problem is that Barr’s claim was a lie:

Fox News caught up with the paper to press them on their questionable statement and why they linked to LoTT’s private information and then de-linked it. Their response was to lie again, which just made things worse:

Including LoTT’s real name wasn’t necessary, either, but WaPo did it anyway.

For her part, Lorenz suggested that the doxxing part wasn’t important in a follow-up tweet. She thinks we should focus on the fact that LoTT is an effective messenger in exposing radical leftists in the education system. And for that, LoTT must be punished and canceled:

Keep in mind, though, that, in Lorenz’s view, the type of harassment that involves doxxing and stalking people and their family members is inexcusable and wrong – but only if it’s happening to her, apparently:

You couldn’t make this stuff up if you tried.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

Tags: Cancel Culture, Media, Social Media, Twitter, Washington Post