Report: Psaki Joining MSNBC After She Leaves the White House in May

Axios reported that Press Secretary Jen Psaki will join leftist-haven MSNBC when she leaves the White House in May:

Why it matters: It’s been speculated for weeks that Psaki would leave the White House for a TV gig. White House communications staffers often negotiate TV jobs once they leave an administration.Details: Psaki has been in close consultation with the White House counsel’s office about her departure, according to two sources familiar with the plans. She’s been treading carefully on the ethics and legal aspects of her plans.

Psaki said last year she planned to step down but remained coy when asked if she’d go to a network news station.

Last month rumors swirled she would join CNN.

Sources told Axios Psaki has told a few people in the White House about her plans but nothing formal to her press team.

It also seems Psaki will host an MSNBC show on Peacock, NBC’s streaming service.

I wonder who will take over Rachel Maddow’s 9 PM ET spot on MSNBC since Psaki won’t get it. Then again, things could change.

Psaki joins Symone Sanders, former advisor and spokeswoman to Kamala Harris. She has a shot that will air on the MSNBC network on the weekends but stream on on Peack on Monday and Tuesday.

Tags: Jen Psaki, MSNBC