Eric Adams Ran on Solving New York City’s Crime Problem But Crime in the City is Skyrocketing

New York City’s new mayor, Eric Adams ran on a law and order platform; he was going to address rampant crime in the city. Unfortunately, things are actually getting worse on his watch.

It’s a huge disappointment, even for Americans who don’t live in New York City.

Politico reports:

Adams banked his mayoralty on public safety. Crime skyrocketed during his first 100 days in office.Mayor Eric Adams has little patience for critics of his tough-on-crime policies when 332 New Yorkers have been victims of gun violence so far this year — a 14.5 percent increase from 2021.“Whose child is next? Whose child is next?” Adams asked this week while visiting the family of a 12-year-old boy who was shot to death in Brooklyn. “When I move with the urgency and people are telling me to slow down, what the hell is wrong with you?”Yet Adams’ urgency to make the city safer — and dismissal of critics he thinks don’t understand crime-fighting — isn’t working so far. It is running smack into the reality of increasingly grim statistics nearly 100 days into his administration. Crime has climbed in almost every category the NYPD tracks since his tenure began on Jan. 1.Though most agree it is too early for Adams’ policies to take effect, major crime is up by 44 percent through Sunday, compared to the same period last year. Shootings, which doubled last year compared to 2019 levels, are up another 14 percent this year. Robberies have increased by 47 percent, burglaries by 31 percent, and assaults by 19 percent. Murder is the only major crime to have fallen, by 9 percent. Crime is up in every borough and across the city’s subway system and public housing complexes.

Here’s what Mayor Adams needs to understand. People have had it. There is no more public patience for lawlessness and crime.

Bob McManus writes at the New York Post:

Spare us the faux outrage over Adams being the new Giuliani on crime — we should be so lucky!The usual suspects say darkly that Mayor Eric Adams is Rudy Giuliani in disguise, and it is to laugh. Really, New York City should be so lucky.The city’s progressive cabal and the usual media claque claim the rookie mayor’s unfolding public-safety policies amount to warmed-over Giuliani-era jackbootery that reinforces past failures and fuels present anger.Oh? Which failures — and, really, what anger?It seems that eight years of de Blasio dystopia isn’t enough for some people. They need a steady diet of preventable public disorder to be happy — and they mean to do everything they can to gin it up.This explains the otherwise mystifying opposition to Adams’ ongoing cleanup of 250 or so vagrant villages around the five boroughs — filthy, rat-plagued disease vectors fashioned from cardboard and stolen plastic sheeting. Truly, people of conscience wouldn’t wish them on their worst enemies.They were endemic when Giuliani became mayor in 1994 — but more or less disappeared shortly thereafter. There’s no mystery about what happened: Mayoral determination to be rid of them, combined with the introduction of humane and very expensive social-services alternatives, largely did the job.

Bill de Blasio was so awful that Eric Adams entered a severely diminished mayoral office.

He does not seem to understand this.

Tags: Crime, Democrats, Eric Adams, New York City