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Dr. Fauci Finally Admits Covid Isn’t Going to Disappear

Dr. Fauci Finally Admits Covid Isn’t Going to Disappear

Meanwhile, Biden’s new COVID czar says extending the mask mandates on planes and trains is ‘absolutely on the table’.

It has been over a year since I personally declared the covid pandemic over, and then subsequently projected the virus would join the family of “common cold” respiratory viruses.

A day late and a dollar short, Biden’s chief medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci has declared the same, saying Americans need to assess their own personal risk and take appropriate precautions as we enter the endemic phase of this disease.

Fauci, speaking to Jonathan Karl on ABC’s This Week, was asked about an op-ed in the Washington Post by former public health official Dr. Lena Wen who said that we will likely have to accept at some point that Covid infections will keep occurring.

Karl asked Fauci if we’ve reached the point where we ‘accept there is going to be a risk’ and get back to a new normal.

‘There will be – and we’ve said this many times even in our own discussions between you and I, that there will be a level of infection,’ Fauci said.

‘This is not going to be eradicated and it’s not going to be eliminated. And what’s going to happen is that we’re going to see that each individual is going to have to make their calculation of the amount of risk that they want to take in going to indoor dinners and in going to functions.’

Fauci also commented on the Gridiron dinner, an elite event that became a super-spreader event when many vaccinated and boosted officials became infected.

“Let me ask you about the spike we’ve seen right here in Washington,” Karl said. “You and I were both at the Gridiron Dinner. This is a dinner that had about 600 or so attendees. So far, I believe we’re at 67 people that have tested positive who were at the dinner…What is the lesson here?”

“I think the people who run functions, who run big dinners, who run functions like the White House Correspondents’ ball, or thinking back, the Gridiron Dinner, are going to have to make a determination looking at the CDC guidelines and seeing where the trends are,” Fauci responded.

Meanwhile, President Joe Biden has a new COVID-19 czar, Dr. Ashish Jha. Despite the pleas from the American airline industry, Jha says extending the federal mask mandate on public transportation is ‘on the table’.

The nationwide pandemic-era health rule is set to expire on April 18.

The newly-minted Biden official’s caution comes despite the White House pivoting to a more adaptive approach on the pandemic, encouraging Americans to assess their ‘individual risks’ and readying to drop the Trump-era Title 42 expulsion policy.

Bipartisan lawmakers have stood up to oppose the Biden administration lifting the policy on May 23, which allows border agents to turn asylum-seekers away regardless of their status in the name of mitigating COVID-19’s spread.

Speaking with NBC News’ Today on Monday morning, Jha, who has been one of the leading scientific voices throughout the pandemic, was vague about the mask mandate’s future.

He said it was up to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Rochelle Walensky to determine what to do when the rule expires next week.

‘Yeah I — look. This is a CDC decision, and I think it is absolutely on the table,’ Jha admitted.


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Somehow, I think the word “admits” in the headline is not the right word.
“Rejoices,” perhaps. Or “chortles.”

2smartforlibs | April 12, 2022 at 11:24 am

You have an entire class of Kool-Aid drinkers that bought into your snake oil sale that it would be.

JackinSilverSpring | April 12, 2022 at 11:40 am

The Wu-flu won’t disappear, but maybe Fuax-Xi will along with the CDC and all those who financed Gain-of-functIon research at the WIV.

But Fauci is such a good magician. Why can’t he make it disappear?

    Peabody in reply to Peabody. | April 12, 2022 at 3:04 pm

    When the virus was very small he waved his magic wand and it got big. Presto Chango! Fantastic Fauci, the greatest magician of the 21st century.

    On the other hand, he is like the sorcerer’s apprentice who attempted magic and it quickly got out of control. “Help! Help!” The sorcerer’s hat is too big for little Fauci.

    Fauci is going to die of ‘old age’ pretty soon, along with Hunter Biden.

    He’s a Rasputin in his ability to seduce so many to his charms and nostrums. He will someday disappear when fewer of his adherents finally give up and abandon him. Until then he is able to command sufficient media attention to continue with his pronouncements, which are now becoming repetitive.

Antifundamentalist | April 12, 2022 at 12:10 pm

Every reasoning human being who had any knowledge at all about how viruses actually work has known that Covid was never going to go away. I blame Trump Derangement Syndrome for all of the suprise faces.

Well I suppose it’s nice that Fauci is now describing Rona as endemic. Though he seems reluctant to use the word.
The interesting thing about Rona is the highly political use of Rona as a weapon to club some but not others. I suspect that when the Admin ends use of title 42 authority at the border in May, because they claim Rona isn’t a public health emergency, that the Rona house of cards will tumble.

The admin is going to have to present a comprehensive position on future Rona policy where emergency or extraordinary measures, including mask or vax mandates, are either justified or not. One or the other. There either is a public health emergency or there is not. A CT is eventually going to force their hand and require consistency across all Federal Agencies.

    Peabody in reply to CommoChief. | April 12, 2022 at 3:30 pm

    AIl I know is there’s a silver lining in there somewhere.

      CommoChief in reply to Peabody. | April 12, 2022 at 5:07 pm

      The silver lining might be only the thin patina of the very large probe about to be violently inserted very much against your will …the true silver lining in that scenario is ‘that which doesn’t kill us makes us stronger’.

Two other things that will never go away:

1) this lying little beagle-murdering troll
2) his exorbitant pension

Frank Hammond | April 12, 2022 at 1:00 pm

Last Saturday, I flew Southwest from San Diego to Midway [Flight # 2885] following a business conference – the Attendants on the flight were insane. Yelling at passengers to raise and lower their masks between sips and bits during the snack time. One Prison guard yelled at a family because their toddler was not wearing the mask over his nose. This ain’t going away – the abusive flight attendants can’t give up the power.

“Dr. Fauci Finally Admits Covid Isn’t Going to Disappear”

Well duh. It’s his cash cow, his golden goose, his wonka ticket. He’s not going to allow that to fade into mere non-fungible bad memory,

Faucing Faucist suddenly realizes what people have been saying all along — Zero COVID is a lie; it was never possible.

Therefore the lockdowns, the mandates, all of that bilgewash he and his ilk foisted on the world, was also a lie, for which there need to be consequences.

And he needs to be among the first to face them.

Antifundamentalist | April 12, 2022 at 3:34 pm

I just knew that they would use Pelosi et al getting COVID as reasoning to keep interfering in lives and businesses. And he pretty much stayed their intentions.

Antifundamentalist | April 12, 2022 at 3:38 pm


They are still only talking about infections, not being getting sick or being hospitalized. There are probably more people getting sick from side effects from the vaccines than from the virus. My friend’s wife developed eczema over her entire body which was diagnosed as an immunity impairment reaction to the last booster. It took over two months of treatment to deal with it.

It’s like I’ve been saying for a long time, the cure is worse than the disease. All they are accomplishing with the vaccines and boosters is to prevent our immune systems from doing what they are there for. They need exercise to be strong. Rolling around in the dirt builds strong immune systems.

    diver64 in reply to Pasadena Phil. | April 12, 2022 at 7:20 pm

    Didn’t get the “vaccine” and got finally after 2yrs got Covid. 2 days sick and back to work. Lose weight, go outside into the sun, get some exercise and eat right with vitamin supplements. LOSE THOSE FRIGGEN
    50 LBS

Republicans take over and immediately fire Fauci and everyone else in the bureaucratic health deep state that did this to our country. Fauci is the poster child for every inept deep state actor that couldn’t get a job in the private sector so hid his political butt inside the state and got a nice paycheck for doing nothing of value except fund the lab that released the Chinese Flu, torture puppies in Africa and lie about AIDS

What’s the common denominator within the self-appointed elite class?

They’re all ancient, many being 80 or older., hanging around telling others how to live and what to do, like a tick or pesky mosquito. The Fowch needs to o away, retire into the woodwork, preferably a prison cell but that’ll never happen.

One of my good friends mysteriously came down with an autoimmune disease diagnosis.

You guessed it: he got the Fauci shot.