D.C. Medical Examiner Won’t Autopsy Bodies of Aborted Babies Found in Home

The Washington D.C. medical examiner does not have any plans to perform autopsies on the five aborted babies found in a home.

D.C. police stated, “the babies were aborted legally.” The district does not have an abortion law banning it at a certain point. So a woman could abort her baby at nine months.

The police said the only crime in this story “is how the aborted baby bodies” landed in the house.

Authorities discovered the bodies at the home of Lauren Handy, a member of the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU).

The original media reports asserted someone gave the police a tip of a biohazard in Handy’s home. But PAAU said a whistleblower provided the organization with the babies.

Nine pro-life activists face charges under the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act. The FBI made the arrests.

PAAU also claimed, “one of the defendants privately arranged for the” police to pick up the babies “for forensic examination.”

“Their gestational ages and their apparent sustained injuries suggested possible violations of the federal Partial Birth Abortion Act and the Born Alive Infants Protection Act,” wrote PAAU on Twitter. “These babies were given to police based on the suspicion of these violations.”

PAAU confirmed, “The whistleblowers who received the fetuses and the defendants arrested by the FBI are connected.”

Handy allowed Live Action to photograph the babies. A video shows the babies in a box from the Washington Surgi Clinic, which performs abortions up to the second trimester. But you never know. It could perform abortions at any stage since D.C. doesn’t have a law preventing them from doing so.

A mother can feel the baby move during the second trimester. She also finds out the sex of the baby during this time.

Those facts mean the babies look like babies.

Lila Rose of Live Action posted pictures of the babies on Twitter. I will only provide her initial tweet. You can look on the thread if you want to. I have no problem with Lila showing the babies because the world needs to see what happens to a baby when a doctor murders them.

Live Action also describes the details of the babies.

Pray for the babies. Pray for the mothers, too. So many women think abortion is the only choice or are told it’s the only choice.

Please help out any emergency pregnancy center or organization.

Tags: Abortion, District of Columbia, Pro-Life