Washington State House Democrat Says It’s ‘Un-American’ to Blame Biden for Gas Crisis

Democrat Rep. Kim Schrier of Washington said recently that it’s un-American to blame Joe Biden for the crisis that’s driving gas prices to unseen levels.

It’s funny. I don’t recall any such rule for the four years that Trump was president.

In fact, under Trump, it seemed like absolutely nothing was too extreme for Democrats to say, even on TV. Democrats regularly accused Trump of being a Russian asset.

Chris Enloe reports at The Blaze:

House Democrat declares it is ‘un-American’ to blame Biden for gas crisis: ‘This is Putin’s fault’Democratic Rep. Kim Schrier claimed Monday that bucking the Biden administration’s narrative on the intensifying gas price crisis is “un-American.”What is the narrative?The Biden administration launched a full-court press last week blaming Russian President Vladimir Putin for soaring gas prices and out-of-control inflation.The problem, of course, is that inflation rates were already at historic highs and gas prices were already sky-high before Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in late February.What did Schrier say?During an interview with journalist Brandi Kruse, the Washington Democrat regurgitated the Biden administration’s talking points and charged that dissenters are “un-American.””I believe a couple things: Right now, in the last two weeks, this is Putin. You should be blaming Putin if anybody for this,” Schrier said. “To not blame Putin, first of all, is denying reality, and second, frankly, I think is un-American.””So, this is Putin’s fault,” she declared.

Here’s the video:

Schrier is no stranger to this game. In 2019, she accused Trump of “befriending Putin” on CNN:

Talk host Jason Rantz of KTTH Radio in Seattle puts Schrier’s recent comments in perspective:

Schrier knows the Biden energy policy is responsible for the current crisis. She just hopes her constituents are too stupid to remember the gas prices going up for a year leading into Putin’s war on Ukraine.It’s certainly fair to say the war contributed to the sudden surge in gas prices — unlike the previous year’s more steady increase. Shunning Russian oil means less of a global supply, but not less demand.But it’s Biden and Democrats like Schrier who are to blame for the rise prior to the last two weeks — the rise in gas prices that generated not a peep, let alone plan, from Democrats.Increasing the supply of oil, lowering costs to produce oil, and making it easier and cheaper to ship oil bring down costs. Biden and Democrats did the opposite…The Democrat is obviously right to note that a lack of supply plus a high demand will increase prices. What she won’t say is that the global demand is lower because Biden chooses to stop domestic drilling of oil. It’s a move that has the support of the Democratic party. Schrier isn’t merely defending Biden; she’s whitewashing the positions of her own party.

I refuse to be lectured about criticism of Biden from a member of the party that called Trump a fascist, a dictator, a criminal, an agent of Russia, and everything in between.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Biden Energy Policy, Democrats, Progressives, Russia, Vladimir Putin, Washington State