Trump Withdraws Endorsement of Alabama Senate Candidate Mo Brooks

President Donald Trump withdrew his endorsement of Alabama senate candidate Rep. Mo Brooks because he told people to put the 2020 election behind them.

Brooks made the comments at a Trump rally in Alabama about seven months ago.

Trump wrote:

Mo Brooks of Alabama made a horrible mistake recently when he went “woke” and stated, referring to the 2020 Presidential Election Scam, “Put that behind you, put that behind you,” despite the fact that the Election was rife with fraud and irregularities. If we forget, the Radical Left Democrats will continue to Cheat and Steal Elections. Just look at what is happening in Wisconsin, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and elsewhere, but tremendous progress has been made that will help us in 2022 and 2024. The 2020 Election was rigged, and we can’t let them get away with it.

Brooks is running for the seat held by retiring Sen. Richard Shelby. He faces Katie Britt, Shelby’s former chief of staff, and Mike Durant, a businessman and military veteran, in the GOP primary.

Trump claimed Brooks’s new campaign staff told him to “stop talking about the 2020 Election,” which led to his dwindling poll numbers:

When I endorsed Mo Brooks, he took a 44-point lead and was unstoppable. He then hired a new campaign staff who “brilliantly” convinced him to “stop talking about the 2020 Election.” He listened to them. Then, according to the polls, Mo’s 44-point lead totally evaporated all based on his “2020” statement made at our massive rally in Cullman, Alabama. When I heard his statement, I said, “Mo, you just blew the Election, and there’s nothing you can do about it.” Very sad, but since he decided to go in another direction, so have I, and I am hereby withdrawing my Endorsement of Mo Brooks for the Senate. I don’t think the great people of Alabama will disagree with me. Election Fraud must be captured and stopped, or we won’t have a Country anymore. I will be making a new Endorsement in the near future!

The Trump rally took place the week of August 22. An Alabama Daily News poll conducted that week found Brooks leading the pack at 40.8%. Britt followed at 17.7%.

However, Brooks’s lead did not drop right after the rally. In October, two months after the rally, a Club for Growth PAC poll found that Brooks had a 55% lead over Britt at 12%.

Brooks’s lead seemed to fall apart in January 2022.

A Club for Growth PAC poll conducted between January 25-27 saw Brooks slip to 35% with Durant coming in second at 30% and Britt in third with 25%.


The latest Alabama Daily News/Gray Television poll shows 34.6% of likely Republicans choose Durant. Britt is in second at 28.4%.

Brooks is now in third with only 16.1% of those voters choosing him.

Alabama Daily News noted that the fall comes after weeks of ads attacking Brooks, “most notably comments he made in opposition to former President Donald Trump during the 2016 Republican presidential primary.”

So maybe it’s not Brooks’s remarks at the August rally but the fact that he opposed Trump in 2016.

Tags: 2022 Elections, Alabama, Donald Trump