This is positively deranged but it’s a teachable moment. The left wants us to think that nothing has changed.
The College Fix reports:
Professor reported to bias team for saying race relations have improved since the 1930sA SUNY-Cortland professor was reported to his university’s bias response team for saying America is not as bad as it was in the past when it comes to race and gender relations.The complaint was among about three dozen filed with the university’s bias response team since January 2020, according to documents recently obtained by The College Fix through a public records act request.Other complaints included a professor who used the terms “redsk*n” and “Squ*w” when discussing Peter Pan, a student who yelled “shut up, I’m trying to sleep” at Black Lives Matter protesters, and a dorm resident who called her roommate a “Dyke-A-Saurus Rex.”The identities of both the complainants and complaint targets were redacted by the school.The reports were obtained as The College Fix continues to investigate the types of complaints that are lodged through bias response teams at college campuses across the nation. More than two dozen universities have been included in the investigation so far since it launched in 2019.The SUNY-Cortland complaint against the professor regarding race and gender stemmed from January of this year.As students settled into their first class of the semester, the professor introduced himself and said he would not be “one of those America-is-evil academics,” according to the complaint.The professor said what younger generations need to realize is that America has made progress since the 1930s, and “we should be proud of how far we’ve come as a society relating to race and gender relations.”The professor noted that when he was growing up, “women only aspired to mediocrity,” but things have changed for the better.This introduction offended a student, who took to the school’s bias response system to file a complaint against the professor.“This seemed incredibly tone-deaf, and completely unnecessary and unrelated to our syllabus,” the student wrote in their officially lodged complaint.