San Francisco Restaurant Owner Explains Why He Moved to Texas

San Francisco Restaurant Leaves for Texas

Elia Gambaccini owned Caffe Baonecci in San Francisco until she decided to move her family to Frisco, TX, in late 2021.

The location of Caffe Baonecci was Danilo Bakery when it appeared in Mrs. Doubtfire. It was also in Tim Burton’s Big Eyes. The San Francisco residents made it a popular restaurant.

From NBC Bay Area:

Gambaccini said it was due to a combination of factors including the pandemic, rents and costs and even conditions in the city.“More dangerous, dirtier very expensive to deal with everything in any aspect private life,” he said. “Business wise, that’s that something made us change our mind and get the idea to move and try to find different place.”Gambaccini said that he had contacts in the Texas and decided to give it a shot. They are working on opening a new Italian restaurant there very soon.“The weather is a bit crazy but its so easy the bureaucracy process with dealing with paperwork licensing,” he said. Gambaccini added that it was less expensive and easy in Texas.

In December, the stats showed that San Francisco is the most expensive city to live in…for the sixth year in a row.

Prices in San Francisco are “17% higher than the 2020 national average.”

The San Francisco Chronicle wrote about the residents’ frustration over the police not doing anything when confronted with a crime. They all came forward when they learned about the police doing nothing after firefighters told an officer about a man wrecking a parklet. The officer didn’t do anything. The suspect is only in jail “because he allegedly went on to commit more vandalism days after the Wine Society mess.”

It’s awful in San Fran. The residents believe the police do not care about property crime:

After reading the column about the parklet, Supervisor Hillary Ronen wrote a letter to [Police Chief Bill] Scott demanding answers. She told him she’d witnessed officers tell her constituents there’s no point in investigating or arresting a suspect because [San Fran District Attorney Chesa] Boudin won’t prosecute anyway — an assertion the D.A. rejects, though he does strive to reduce incarceration.The letter highlighted alarming data backing up many residents’ concerns that police have thrown up their hands. For example, last year the Department of Police Accountability opened 595 cases into alleged police wrongdoing; the largest share by far, 42.6%, related to “neglect of duty.” That percentage has ticked up steadily since 2016, when neglect of duty made up 32% of complaints.Ronen’s letter stated that of all the crimes reported in San Francisco in 2021, just 8.1% led to arrests, the lowest rate in a decade. Just 3.5% of reported property crimes yielded arrests. And, of course, that doesn’t include all the crimes residents have stopped bothering to tell police about.

The homeless problem in San Francisco has become so bad that charities have asked residents to house a homeless person. The Bay Area has about 30,000 homeless people:

“This is something that someone can do when they just feel that despair of ‘oh my gosh, I just can’t stand seeing these poor people on the streets near my home,’ ” said Christi Carpenter, executive director of East Bay nonprofit Safe Time, which places unhoused college students and families in spare bedrooms for between one and six months. Since 2017, the group has made more than 60 placements.Richmond Mayor Tom Butt recently partnered with the Rotary Club to match unhoused people with local landlords. The small program will be funded entirely by private donations and landlords will get one year’s rent in advance. The number of people Butt can house depends on donations and volunteer interest, but he already has two more landlords lined up.

Tags: California, Crime, Economy, San Francisco, Texas