House Progressive Democrats Want Biden to Declare National ‘Climate Emergency’

Progressive Democrats in the House of Representatives want to call on Biden to use his executive power to declare climate change a national emergency and to ban fossil fuel drilling on public lands.

The request from the Congressional Progressive Caucus comes as many Democratic clean energy priorities have stalled in Congress. The push for the sweeping use of the executive powers expected from the group of nearly 100 lawmakers on Thursday will also touch issues such as student loan debt, voting rights and immigration.Rep. Jared Huffman (D-Calif.), a caucus member, told POLITICO that calling on Biden to declare a climate emergency would be one of the “centerpiece” actions to headline their executive order plan.

I have diligently covered the coronavirus pandemic for the past 2 years. Clearly, Democrats have taken all the wrong lessons from the pandemic, in terms of selecting actions that are in the nation’s best interest.

However, in terms of holding on to power and using it, the Democrats have developed an effective playbook.

1) Declare a national emergency, asserting we have to act now or there will be death on a global scale (and there is no time for validating scientific research).
2) Use the bureaucracy to enforce rules rather than have Congress create real laws.
3) Denounce anyone who doesn’t agree with the policies, and has alternative solutions, as an Earth-hating denier.
4) Dismiss any scientific study that doesn’t validate claims as “misinformation”.
5) Use government funds to support research that further enhances the policies you have established.
6) Make sure you have financial ties to all the industries that are supporting your plans.

It looks like I am going to have to dust off my meteorology, climatology, and geologic history books.

The Democrats also want to use the “climate crisis” to restart the Build Back Better social spending bill.

Now with Biden’s Build Back Better Act — and the more than $550 billion contained within to fight climate change — suspended amid objections from Republicans and Democratic Senators Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, progressives a launching a Plan B. Their new campaign is designed to get Biden to declare an emergency to stave off global warming.“If we can’t work with Manchin to get Build Back Better done, it’s time to use his executive authority,” said Representative Jared Huffman, a California Democrat, and one of several in the Congressional Progressive Caucus urging Biden to use emergency authority. “It’s one of the clearest ways to bolster his authority and open up some policy options so he can meet the moment.”Backing the new push is Representative Earl Blumenauer, an Oregon Democrat, who wrote legislation mandating national climate emergency declaration, along with progressive Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York and Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont.“The scientists, experts, and all of our own lived experiences in the past few years make it clear: this is a climate emergency and it is past time to take action,” Blumenauer said.

Tags: Biden Climate Policy, Progressives