Disney Exec Admits Implementing ‘Not-at-All-Secret Gay Agenda’ in Children’s Programming

Can’t we just let kids be kids?

Instead of teaching children how to be polite, numbers, colors, and singing, Disney wants to push gender theory to the front for young children.

Why is it so important to these people that 5-year-olds know anything about sex? If you’ve watched the new Mickey Mouse Clubhouse you cannot even tell that Mickey and Minnie are a couple or Daisy and Donald.

Christopher Rufo posted videos of a Disney employee meeting. They admitted their top priority is gender theory in children’s programming.

I included transcripts where I could. You don’t need any commentary. Just watch the videos.

Burke: “I’m here as a mother of two queer children, actually, one transgender child, and one pansexual child and — and also as a leader. And that was the thing that really got me because I have heard so much from so many of my colleagues over the course of the last couple of weeks, in open forums, and through emails and phone conversations. And I feel a responsibility to speak, not just for myself, but for them. To all of us, we had a — we had an open forum last week at 20th, where, again, the home of really incredible, groundbreaking LGBTQIA stories over the years, where one of our execs stood up and said, ‘You know, we only have a handful of queer leads in our content.’ And I went, ‘What? That can’t be true!’ And I — and I — and I realized, ‘Oh, it actually is true.’ We have many, many, many LGBTQIA characters in our stories, and — and — and yet, we don’t have enough leads and narratives in which gay characters just — just get to be characters and — and not have to be about gay stories. And so that’s been very eye-opening for me.”

March: “Yeah. I’ve had the privilege of working with the Moon Girl team for the last two years. And they’ve been really open to exploring queer stories. And part of — I’m on the production side, part of the work that I feel like I can put in is making sure that — we take place in modern-day New York, so making sure that that’s like an accurate reflection of New York. So I put together like a tracker of our background characters to make sure that we have like, the full breadth of expression.”

Ware: “Last summer we removed all of the gendered greetings in relationship to our live spiels. So we no longer say, ‘Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls.’ We — we’ve trained — we’ve provided training for all of our — our cast members in relationship to that. So now they know it’s ‘Hello, everyone,’ or ‘Hello, friends.’ We — we are in the process of changing over those — those recorded messages. And so many of you are probably familiar, when we brought the fireworks back to the Magic Kingdom, we no longer say, ‘Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls.’ We say, ‘Dreamers of all ages.’ So I love the fact that it’s opened up the creativity, the opportunity for our cast members to look at that.”

Smith: “We’re also reacting from the reality that, when they can erase you, when they can criminalize your existence, when they can demonize who you are, the next step is to criminalize you and take your kids. And we’re already seeing that in Texas. So the slippery slope between these ugly messages, you know, emanating from legislative leaders in our state, and then amplified by our governor, whose spokesperson immediately began calling everyone who opposed this bill, ‘groomers,’ AKA pedophiles.”

Tags: Disney, Gender, Social Justice