Beto O’Rourke Comes Out Against Critical Race Theory in Schools

Now that Beto O’Rourke is running for governor of Texas, he is suddenly trying to appear moderate on a number of issues.

He recently backtracked on wanting to take away everyone’s AR-15, and now he has decided he doesn’t want Critical Race Theory taught in schools.

Timothy H.J. Nerozzi reports at FOX News:

Beto O’Rourke comes out against critical race theory in schoolsTexas gubernatorial candidate Beto O’Rourke became one of the first Democratic Party leaders to explicitly come out against critical race theory (CRT) in schools.O’Rourke spoke to a crowd of Texas in Victoria on Friday, where he was asked about critical race theory’s appropriateness for being taught in grade schools. O’Rourke at first dodged the issue, telling a crowd member that the concepts of CRT are not being taught in schools at present.”And I think you and I are probably on the same page as well. We don’t see CRT being taught in our schools right now. It is a course that is taught in law schools,” O’Rourke said.Immediately after his comment, a member of the audience asked if O’Rourke supported CRT in schools, to which the gubernatorial candidate said, “No, I don’t think [CRT] should be taught in our schools.”

Here’s the video:

Jenny Goldsberry of the Washington Examiner reminds us that this was not always Beto’s position:

This is seemingly a change from O’Rourke’s previous comments on the matter, where he danced around the topic.”We should know the full story of Texas and the full story of the United States of America,” the candidate said in early February. “Not only our founding ideals and principles, but the way that those ideals and principles were often violated by the people who wrote them or the fact that so much of the wealth and opportunity in this state was actually created by people who had no choice in the deal whatsoever. … If we don’t, then we’re trafficking in myths and things that just are not true.”Meanwhile, O’Rourke’s opponent, incumbent Gov. Greg Abbott, signed a ban on CRT into law in June of last year.

He’s such a fraud.

Beto taking this position just shows how toxic CRT has become for Democrats. It’ll eventually end up on the scrap heap of history with defunding the police.

Tags: Beto O'Rourke, Critical Race Theory, Democrats, Education, Texas