Voting Data in Texas Suggests the Hispanic Shift to the GOP is Real

Hispanic voters are trending Republican in a shift that could have a huge impact on the elections of 2022 and 2024. There are a few reasons for this, but two of the big ones are the ongoing crisis at the southern border and inflation.

The GOP should lay out a red carpet for these voters and make sure they know how welcome they are in the party.

Andrew Mark Miller of FOX News points to analysis from a polling outfit that looked at voting in largely Hispanic counties near the border:

Texas early voting data suggests Hispanic vote shift to the GOP continuesEarly voting analysis in two primarily Hispanic counties along the Texas border suggests Republicans are outpacing Democrats in voter enthusiasm and perhaps turnout, and Hispanic politicians in the state tell Fox News that its indicative of a larger trend.A report from the political consulting company Ryan Data & Research shows that Republicans are 76% of the way to matching 2018 turnout in Cameron County, Texas along the southern border with Mexico with eight days remaining until Election Day. In Hidalgo County, which also sits on the border with Mexico, turnout is 65% of the way to matching 2018.On the Democrat side, the party is only 59% of the way to matching 2018 turnout in Cameron County and 47% of the way in Hidalgo County.Hispanic political candidates and operatives in Texas told Fox News that the early data points to a larger trend of Hispanic voters, especially in the Rio Grande Valley, supporting Republican candidates in areas that have been predominantly controlled by Democrats for decades.

Callie Patteson of the New York Post reports that another issue driving Hispanic voters to the GOP is concern from parents about what is being taught in schools:

GOP makes gains among Hispanic voters since 2020 election: pollThe Republican Party has made massive gains among Hispanic voters since the 2020 presidential election, cutting the Democratic advantage by nearly 20 percent, according to a new survey…“Hispanic movement toward Republicans is real. Republicans are winning on the issues that matter most to Hispanic voters and are well-positioned to capitalize on Democrats’ extremely unpopular policies,” the NRCC said in a memo outlining the survey…When pressed on specific issues, the survey found, Hispanic voters in battleground districts are “extremely” or “very concerned” about inflation (78 percent), cost of food and groceries (74 percent) and gas prices (70 percent).Seventy-four percent of respondents agreed that parents should have a say in what is taught at their children’s schools — a key Republican talking point in recent years — while 22 percent disagreed.

This has been building up over time. Take a look at this December 2021 video report from FOX Business. CulturIntel CEO Lili Gil Valletta explains that many Hispanic Americans think Democrat COVID policies are preventing them from achieving the American dream:

On a final note, you have to wonder how much the Democratic party’s recent embrace of socialism has to do with this. Lots of Hispanic Americans came here to escape from places like Venezuala and Cuba, not to recreate them.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: 2022 Elections, 2024 Presidential Election, Border Crisis, Republicans, Texas