VIDEO: Former ACLU Head Ira Glasser Blasts Organization’s New Progressive Agenda

This is a great interview from the Bill Maher show and Glasser makes some excellent points. Naturally, Bill Maher uses the opportunity to bash Republicans a few times, but just tune that part out. Focus on Glasser.

The New York Post has details:

Former ACLU leader Ira Glasser slams organization’s ‘progressive’ new agendaThe former head of the American Civil Liberties Union has ripped the group for no longer defending all free speech — claiming it now cherry-picks cases that fit a new “progressive” agenda.Ira Glasser, the ACLU’s executive director from 1978 to 2001, bemoaned the group for recently changing its guidelines to limit the rights it fights to uphold.“There is a requirement now for ACLU lawyers that before they take a case defending someone’s free speech, they have to make sure that the speech doesn’t offend or threaten other civil liberties values,” he told Bill Maher on Friday.After pausing to make a confused expression, he continued, “In other words, before they’re gonna defend your free speech, they want to see what you say.”“That’s the ACLU? No, that’s the government!” he insisted.“The ACLU has become … more of a political partisan, what they call ‘progressive’ organization,” he said.

Watch the whole thing:

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: ACLU, Bill Maher, Free Speech, Progressives