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University Event Describes ‘Perfectionism’ and ‘A Sense of Urgency’ as Examples of White Supremacy

University Event Describes ‘Perfectionism’ and ‘A Sense of Urgency’ as Examples of White Supremacy

“there were some media outlets that portrayed this talk in a less than flattering light”

This is absolute lunacy, and it’s being taught at colleges and universities all over the country.

Campus Reform reports:

‘Perfectionism,’ having a ‘sense of urgency’ are examples of White supremacy, academics argue

The Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis hosted an event that made headlines before it even began, called “Is Professionalism a Racist Construct?”

In the event, the presenters characterized various qualities of workplace environments such as “perfectionism,” “a sense of urgency,” “defensiveness,” “worship of the written word,” and “quantity over quality” as characteristics of White supremacy culture.

One presenter, Assistant Dean for Field Education Jewel Stafford connected these alleged characteristics of White supremacy culture to the idea that “even though we’re working really hard, there’s a narrative that we’re not enough, that somehow who we are, what we do, it’s just not enough.”

The host, Associate Dean for External Affairs Gary Parker, noted that “there were some media outlets that portrayed this talk in a less than flattering light.”

Another presenter, Assistant Dean of the Office of Community Partnerships Cynthia Williams, addressed this controversy in her speech, noting multiple times that she was “getting into good trouble” with her colleagues, and specifically addressed the “provocative” nature of the question, “Is professionalism racist?”

She said that depending on the marginalized group being recognized at the time, they might have changed the question.

For example, she noted that if the talk was given on Disability Awareness Day, the talk may have been called “Is it an Ableist Construct?” If it was given during Women’s History Month, it may have been called “Is it a Misogynistic or Sexist Construct?”


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The Gentle Grizzly | February 7, 2022 at 1:05 pm

The science is settled: everything is white supremacy.

Who wants “perfectionism” and a “sense of urgency” anyway if you have a major artery rupture during surgery?

What’s the hurry, you racist? Give a surgeon a little love and a bit of a break, will ya? Just be patient — oh, wait, you ARE the patient, aren’t you? — while this passed-based-upon-having a pulse surgeon tries to figure out what to do.

Jeez, it’s no like it’s a life or death situation anyway…

They’d better not enforce any sort of a sense of urgency around being paid for tuition or housing expenses.

The Gentle Grizzly | February 7, 2022 at 8:43 pm

I’m glad Jonas Salk got it right.

I’m glad those folks who build nuclear reactors get it right.

I’m glad Shockley got the transistor right.

I’m glad the fellows down at my local Discount Tire get the balance right on my tires. (The last one who checked it was a black man, it should be noted.)

even though we’re working really hard, there’s a narrative that we’re not enough, that somehow who we are, what we do, it’s just not enough

Adult life isn’t an “everybody gets a trophy” situation. If you’re “working really hard”, but not getting the job done, then no, it’s just not enough. You don’t deserve the job.

Adult life isn’t an “everybody gets a trophy” situation. If you’re “working really hard”, but not getting the job done, then no, it’s just not enough. You don’t deserve the job.

exactly–wish i could give you more than one thumbs-up–the other elephant in the room which can be readily traced to aa, nepotism, etc(but particularly aa)is that if you come to the office/business and actually “work hard” but produce nothing, obtain no results what do we need you for?–of what benefit are you to the organization?–and the most glaring reality of it all: “you’re obviously unqualified to do the job so why were you hired in the first place?”

civisamericanus | February 8, 2022 at 12:28 pm

University event describes nonwhite people as willing to settle for shoddy, incomplete, and substandard work from themselves, and lacking a sense of urgency. (Which sounds pretty racist to me, by the way–and so does the original title because it means pretty much the same thing.)

“The Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis hosted an event that made headlines before it even began, called “Is Professionalism a Racist Construct?”” Brown School therefore seems to be saying nonwhite people cannot be professional. Who needs the KKK (to whom nobody important listens) when you have woke leftists to spew the same racist material, albeit packaged much more cleverly than the KKK presents its own?

It’s important to understand how this kind of propaganda works. If you take a view that every reasonable person would have long agreed is racist, and if you start saying that the racist view is now the view of the true anti-racists, you’ve sabotaged the prospects for a rational consensus around what is and isn’t acceptable. It looks to me like that’s precisely the point. It’s about pulling apart the normative fabric that holds the liberal order together.

Now we have to change CRT to CPT.

This seems to me to be a back-handed way of saying that “non-whites” (Blacks?) are lazy and sloppy in their work product. Isn’t that the stereotype that was considered denigrating and racist not many years ago?