Trudeau To Continue State of Emergency And Financial Reign of Terror Even After Freedom Convoy Broken Up

Once again! When you give the government power they will not relinquish it. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau confirmed they have not lifted the Emergencies Act even though the Freedom Convoy ended:

As I said the Emergencies Act is not something to take lightly. And it’s something that needs to be momentary, temporary, and proportional. That’s why every single day I’m receiving briefings. We are reflecting on how much longer the Emergencies Act needs to be in place. We don’t want to keep it in place a single day longer than necessary. But even though the blockades are lifted, cross borders openings right now, even though things seem to be resolving very well in Ottawa this state of emergency is not over.There continues to be real concerns bout the coming days but we will continue to evaluate every single day whether or not it is time and we are able to lift this state of emergency.

The Ottawa Citizen reported that the police cleared out the remaining protesters of the Freedom Convoy, ending the 24-day protest:

Police late Sunday afternoon shut down what remained of the logistics camp that Ottawa occupiers had built on Coventry Road after police, during the protest’s early days, directed them there.At least two arrests were made and tow trucks moved in to remove vehicles.The parking lot is owned by the City of Ottawa but leased to the Ottawa Titans Baseball Club. The leaseholder did not agree to police directing protesters to the parking lot, in an effort to relieve the congestion of downtown Ottawa due to the arrival of the so-called “Freedom Convoy” more than three weeks ago.

Those who left are not free, though, as Trudeau basically confirmed in his comments. Interim Police Chief Steve Bell told the media the police force is “trying to keep tabs on those that are leaving and potentially massing to come back.”

The police, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), and Ontario Provincial Police continue to gather “intelligence on protesters who had left Ottawa ‘to make sure that these illegal activists don’t return to our streets.'”

Good Lord.

Members of the Freedom Convoy supposedly went to a farm in Kinburn, which is about 25 miles away. Others put their vehicles about 37 miles west of Ottawa at the White Oake Road. Reports indicate some protesters went to a farm east of Ottawa.

Bell declared that businesses should feel safe now. He promised “[A] strong police presence will remain in the coming days.”

I wonder how long that will last. Remember, once you give them power, they will not relinquish it.

Meanwhile, Canadian authorities started an investigation into some RCMP messages allegedly celebrating those who injured protesters. From RebelNews:

In the chat, RCMP Musical Ride member, Andrew Nixon sends a picture of a pint of beer hoping for his chance to abuse protesters:

“Don’t kick all of them out until next weeks group gets our turn”

Member Robin Thibault remarks about accommodations police are being given in Ottawa:

“Nice Downtown in Chateau Laurier”

Nixon jokes about police brutality:

“Time for the protesters to hear our jackboots on the ground”

After being admonished for his remarks, Nixon mocks the protesters:

“okay we can give out free hugs and unicorn stickers”

A member named Marca laughs off the prior night trampling of two demonstrators, one of which had a mobility scooter.

“”just watched the horse video – that is awesome”“we should practice that manoeuvre”

RCMP confirmed they are looking into the messages.

Fuzzy blogged about the photos and videos on social media showing police abusing their power.

Here’s a picture from the video one of the RCMP members supposedly called awesome.

Tags: Canada, Canadian Freedom Convoy 2022, Fascism, Justin Trudeau