Trudeau Invoking Emergencies Act has Only Emboldened the Freedom Convoy Truckers

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau did not make a dent in the Freedom Convoy when he invoked the Emergencies Act, which gives his government the power to deal with those silly terrorist truckers!

You know I’m kidding but it’s disgusting when the government basically treats them as terrorists.

The truckers seemed to laugh off Trudeau’s power grab when they spoke to Fox News. Trucker Jan Goen said they just want to talk to Trudeau about all the COVID mandates.

Csaba Vizi described Trudeau’s move as “wonderful” since it will likely lead to more people joining the protest: “I’ll tell you why: because even more Canadians who have been looking at the whole thing passively from their home, their couch … they might want to wake up and stand up with us.”

Vizi continued: “We are here in large numbers, I’m pretty sure there are going to be some chicken drivers between all of us. But I can tell you for sure, one leaves, 10 others are going to take his place.”

Derek Brouwer thinks Trudeau’s action “makes him look incompetent to do his job.”

Eric Mueller quit his job after his company received a lot of complaints and threats. He also “suspended his contract, registration and insurance.”

Other truckers reminded Trudeau that they are tough people:

The government “doesn’t know blue-collar,” [Jan] Groen said. “We are a very conditioned group of people. We get flipped off on the highway … stuck waiting for hours on end.”Another trucker, Tyler, who has been rotating in and out of the convoy with a group of truckers, similarly said: “We’re not going anywhere, we’re here until we’re done.”

Unfortunately, some truckers cannot stay:

“I can’t afford to get my truck” and “all my accounts and stuff seized,” trucker Tim Norton, who had been parked in Ottawa since the convoy began, told Fox News.”I got too much money tied up that I can’t take a chance of losing it all,” the trucker explained. “Some of these guys can, but I can’t.”

Tags: Canada, Canadian Freedom Convoy 2022, Justin Trudeau