Quebec Dumps Plans to Tax Unvaccinated

A few days ago, I noted that Canada’s Freedom Convoy scored a success when Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe wrote a letter of support for the truckers and demanded an end to vaccine mandates.

He has now set a target date in February to officially end vaccine requirements.

Premier Scott Moe says the provincial vaccine requirement program is expected to be scrapped by the end of the month.In a news conference on Monday, Moe made the claim that COVID-19 vaccines no longer reduce the transmission of the Omicron variant. He said that means the vaccine requirement program is no longer needed.”People are asking their government for a return to normal, a removal of public health restrictions,” he said.

The province of Quebec had plans to tax the unvaccinated. That is until the truckers rolled in.

Quebec Premier Francois Legault dropped plans to tax unvaccinated residents Tuesday amid backlash over the effort to increase protection against COVID-19 in the Canadian province.He announced the move during a news conference updating the public on the status of the pandemic….The proposed $50 to $100 fine on unvaccinated individuals was announced last month in an effort to push residents to get their first COVID-19 vaccine. The tax was not expected to apply to those with a medical exemption.

Quebec’s premier is shocked to discover that the tax was viewed as…divisive.

Legault says while his government has a bill ready to go, he’s decided not to table it after seeing “growing discontent” in the population.”I understand that this divides Quebecers and right now we need to build bridges,” said Legault. “My role is to try to bring Quebecers together to stay united as a people.”Still, Legault denied that he was backing down due to demands by organizers of a protest planned for Thursday in Quebec City.

In Alberta, Royal Canadian Mounted Police have declared the blockage of the US-Canada border’s busiest port of entry by the Freedom Convoy as “unlawful”.

They said “extensive efforts” to negotiate with protest organisers had failed and the force has tapped “additional resources” to make arrests or tow trucks if needed.”While we thought we had a path to resolve this, the protesters chose not to comply,” a statement said.The Freedom Convoy began as a call to end a federal vaccine mandate that would require unvaccinated Canadian truckers returning from across the US border to quarantine and get tested once they are home.It has since grown into a push to end all vaccine mandates nationwide and what supporters see as government overreach on Covid-19 restrictions.

In related developments:

Elite government officials called tow truck companies to clear away the vehicles. The move was unsuccessful because the tow truck employees all came down with…covid.

Farmers are joining the convoy:

Lawyers are being dispatched to assist the truckers at the Alberta border.

Tags: Canada, Wuhan Coronavirus