Psaki: Biden Wants To Rely On Foreign Energy So U.S. Can “Look At” Green Alternatives

The main problem with the left’s “green” energy push is that there is literally no “green” way to meet American (and more broadly, the world’s) energy needs.  Well, there is, but they won’t even consider nuclear power. Because of course.

This is why everything they are doing to advance their green agenda is one big pile of fail after another.

From Solyndra to trying to force EVs on the public with no way at all to power them (without oil and gas), the left has everything bassackwards: cut off domestic oil and gas production before there is a viable (i.e. affordable, universally available, reliable) alternative.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki says the quiet part out loud, admitting that they are shutting down domestic drilling, the Keystone pipeline, etc. . . . to “look” at other ways to meet America’s energy needs.

Via RCP: Psaki says, “President Biden’s view is that we need to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, on oil in general, and need to [look] at other ways of having energy in our country and others.”


Here’s an idea, decrease our nation’s dependence on foreign oil and gas by ensuring, as President Trump did, that we are energy independent.

Simultaneously, work toward developing viable green energy alternatives and work to shift American energy production from oil and gas to other means as they become more reliable, less cost prohibitive, and more widely available.

What use is a fleet of EVs that cannot be charged without sucking up energy produced by oil and gas?  Or that cannot be used for any distance because it takes hours to charge them and there are very few charging stations in existence?  All of which, of course, rely on oil and gas.

Not only does maintaining American energy independence while working toward green(er) energy make geopolitical sense (by extracting us from energy dependence on both actually and potentially hostile foreign countries), but it just makes sense sense.

If you run (say) a grocery store chain and decide that you want to eliminate the expense of cashiers, you don’t fire all of your cashiers so you can “look at” a viable way for customers to self-checkout and pay.  What happens in the meantime?  Oh, right, you go bankrupt.  Or you have to hire new cashiers who rightly demand higher pay and better benefits because they are privy to your plan. (Not an ideal comparison, but you get the drift. You don’t shoot your horse before you can afford to buy a tractor to run your plow).

But that is what Biden’s administration is not just advocating but actually doing: cutting off American energy independence to “look at” alternatives . . . while relying on foreign countries for our energy needs.

I think that the majority of Americans would be on board with transitioning to affordable, reliable green energy as long as it didn’t impact their lifestyle, their pocketbook, or their energy needs.  We don’t care if we are getting power from a “green” source or a “dirty” fossil fuel source, we just want everything to work properly.

Green energy is decades from working properly, so it makes zero sense to cripple our nation and make it beholden to foreign powers due to some kind of fevered ideological fantasy. Back in 2010, I blogged about how Lenin’s infamous assertion that “Communism is Soviet Power Plus the Electrification of the Whole Country.” Is today’s American left’s push for the greenification of the whole country really that different?

Ultimately, the left has its priorities all wrong (what else is new?).  You don’t cut off the power before you have a viable alternative in place.  That’s just stupid.  It’s stupid thinking, stupid politics, and as we are seeing now, stupid geopolitics.

Tags: Biden Energy Policy, Biden Russia, Jen Psaki