Ottawa: Police Beat Unarmed #FreedomTrucker Protesters, Mounted Police Trample Disabled Woman

We’ve been covering the horrific choices that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has made in dealing with the peaceful #FreedomTrucker protests against dehumanizing government covid mandates and measures.

His embrace of fascism to counter a peaceful protest borders on the lunatic. From seizing bank accounts, even pets, to sending police in to act as his personal violent goon squads, Trudeau is a complete disgrace.

Reports of people being trampled by mounted police, vehicle windows being smashed by armed police, and police beating protesters in the streets are streaming out of Ottawa and shocking the free world.

The images and video coming out of Canada are horrifying.

You know it’s bad when the New York Times accurately reported (at first) the violent thug response to (actually) peaceful protesters.

That link does not go to the article quoted (you know why), so I found the original via archive.

The New York Times reported (archive link):

Canadian police officers advanced on trucks sometimes at gunpoint, smashing truck windows and arresting protesters in front of the country’s Parliament building, an aggressive escalation in the government’s effort to finally end the protests that have roiled the nation’s capital for three weeks.Officers in riot gear, brandishing batons and rifles, pushed to regain the area around Parliament, expanding an operation that began on Friday to remove parked trucks that have blocked the city’s downtown core.In the heart of the encampment, the police pushed people back with batons, and toppled over a table displaying dubious information about vaccine injury. They advanced methodically truck by truck, shoving protesters back, some people getting pushed over by the police, as demonstrators shouted, “Shame on you!”. . . . The protests had been by and large nonviolent, evoking the atmosphere of a carnival. But they ensnarled traffic across the capital, disrupted business and annoyed residents with incessant honking. Organizers inflated bouncy castles in the street, and people brought small children and dogs. D.J.s spun music from flatbed trucks-turned stages. At one point people soaked in a hot tub erected in front of the Parliament building.. . . . “It’s horrific,” said Dagny Pawlak, a spokeswoman for the truckers, said in a text message on Saturday. “A dark moment in Canadian history.” She added: “Never in my life would I have believed anyone if they told me that our own P.M. would refuse dialogue and choose violence against peaceful protesters instead.”. . . . On Friday, B.J. Dichter, a spokesman for the convoy, wrote on Twitter that it was time for protesters to leave, saying that the police had smashed the windows of one driver’s truck. But some of those who remained near the Parliament building said they had no plans to go home yet, even as law enforcement closed in.“We can’t stop them,” said Mike Marsh, 48, nodding in the direction of the police. “All we can do is slow them down.”

Needless to say, people have thoughts.

Tags: Canada, Cryptocurrency, Fascism, Justin Trudeau, Protest, Wuhan Coronavirus