Ottawa Mayor Wants to Sell Confiscated Freedom Convoy Vehicles

Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson wants to sell the trucks the authorities confiscated during the Freedom Convoy protest.

Watson told the CBC that the city has “the ability to confiscate those vehicles and sell them.”

“And I want to see them sold,” stated Watson. “I don’t the return to these people who’ve been causing such frustration and angst in our community.”

Watson continued:

This is costing us a small fortune for the taxpayers of Ottawa. That’s one of the reasons why under the Emergencies Act I’ve asked our solicitor and our city manager how can we keep the tow trucks and the campers and the vans and everything else that we’ve confiscated and sell those pieces of equipment to help recoup some of the costs that our taxpayers are absorbing. So that’s one of the provisions of the Emergency Act and we have been a beneficiary of the Emergency Act.As they debated on the hill I asked the Members of Parliament to consider it. It’s helped us a lot things like confiscating vehicles, not having to swear in peace officers through the RCMP and so many other things that have been very helpful over the course of this period including you can’t be under 18 and be in this rally.We get copycats and people thinking I’m going down to Parliament Hill and parking there for three to four days and having a big roast and everything else under the sun. We have to prevent that and we need a short-term plan and a long-term plan to protect our residents much better than we have in the last four weeks.

Don’t forget that the interim police chief admitted that the department is keeping an eye on those who attended the protest. The police continue to gather intelligence on them, too.

Lovely behavior.

Tags: Canada, Canadian Freedom Convoy 2022